Saturday, September 7, 2024



Bernie Sanders Rally Draws About 1,000 People to Downtown Fort Worth

It’s about 11 a.m., and I’m walking toward the Bernie Sanders rally at Burnett Park in downtown Fort Worth to catch his noon political...

R.I.P., Jeremy Joel

After a week of searching for Jeremy Joel, sources close to his family have confirmed that the body of the 37-year-old outsider artist was...

Future Art Films at 1455 W. Magnolia

Some of you have no doubt been following Citizen Theater, James Johnston and Amy McNutt's longstanding project to found a Fort Worth movie theater...

Hangman’s Noose Around Obama’s Neck

A guy named Lou in Arlington called this morning to express his shock and dismay at seeing President Barack Obama pictured with a noose...

Condom Nation Tour Offers Free HIV Testing

I can tell you from personal experience that getting an HIV test –– especially your first –– can be a scary experience, indeed. But...

Arlington’s Maren Morris’ Third Album En Route

Texas Music chanteuse Maren Morris is putting the finishing touches on her third album. Recorded just a couple of weeks ago at Bass Propulsion...

Fort Worthology: Fake Urbanism vs. Real Urbanism

If you’ve spent any time at all along 7th Street lately, you’ve no doubt noticed that a Tom Thumb is being built across from...

On Tap in Fort Worth with Sandra DiPretore

Sandra DiPretore, assistant brewer at Panther Island Brewing Company, joined us for Episode 3 of On Tap in Fort Worth. DiPretore told us about...

Chupacabra Fever: Catch It!

The humidity is stifling, August heat is just around the corner, but I got a glimpse of October and Halloween on the horizon when...

Fort Worth Opera Star on “America’s Got Talent”

A once and future leading man for Fort Worth Opera just boosted his Q rating by appearing on NBC's America's Got Talent. Sean Panikkar...