Home Blotch
Spin That Record Babe
Make sure and check out this week’s ”Music” profile of Israeli-born DJ Avi Marco. He’s currently a student at TCU and the resident weekend...
2012 Doomsday Prophecy: $10 Milk
All these 2012 doomsday prophecies I’ve been inundating myself with online and on The History Channel for the past week have put me in...
Chef Tim Love Back on Bravo
Chef/Owner Tim Love (Lonesome Dove, Love Shack) will be back on the Bravo Network's hit show Top Chef. Love, who recently competed on the...
I caught most of the ultra-hyped Oprah interview with Whitney Houston (part two today at 4!), and I have to say – I really...
Jay Leno Takes It On Chin In Debut
Red flags popped up in my mind when the TV commercials promoting Jay Leno’s new primetime show...
Cuzthisis Thrillaaa!
Fort Worth will be part of a worldwide effort to perform the largest simultaneous dance. The song –– and the moves –– will be...
Wendy Davis and Joel Burns to Sling Booze
Senator Wendy Davis and Councilman Joel Burns will be serving the public...
Texas Ballet Theater Protests
Members of North Texas’ professional musicians union plan on protesting Texas Ballet Theater’s performances at Bass Performance Hall on the weekend of October 2nd....
This Just In: World To End Soon
I watched a lot of the History Channel this weekend and was floored by all the shows about Nostradamus, the Mayans, and other ancient...