Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sign-Stealing Socrates Strikes

Crowd Counters Right-Wingers

Tarrant County Voter Guide

School Board Patriots on the Move

Separate Lines



Why Did TCU Nix the “Fully Loaded” Flier?

In terms of political issues, I probably disagree with the right-wing student group Young Americans for Freedom on most things. In terms of the...

David Dewhurst Learns (Wrong) Lesson

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's recent foot-in-mouth moment, when he was recorded trying to use his name and position to bully an Allen police officer...

Rick Perry Takes Bold Stands Against Reality

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to worry about Rick Perry. For a long time, his states’ rights/secessionist shtick looked loony, but...

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst Yanks Allen Police’s Chain For Relative’s Sake

There is no reality television program on this evening that's more simultaneously entertaining, fascinating, painful, and off-putting than this just-now-blowing-up recording of Lt. Gov. David...

Cruz Visits North Texas, Isn’t Assailed by Birthers

Does anyone have a cigarette? I know this counts as TMI, but I’m still experiencing an almost post-coital glow over the news that Tea Party...

Moss Elected School Board President

At last night's school board meeting, trustees elected a new slate of officers, with Christene Chadwick Moss as the new board president. Moss, who...

Texas Republicans Versus New York

Governor Rick Perry has been on the warpath against other states. He's taken out radio ads in Illinois, California, and New York trying to...

Ann Sutherland Posts School District Raises

On her blog, school board trustee Ann Sutherland posted a link to a spreadsheet listing 111 raises given to Fort Worth school district central...

Wendy Davis, Stand With Texas Women Bus Tour Hits Fort Worth

The tour bus was parked a mere 25 feet from the stage, and the crowd pressed close to the guardrails, dozens deep, waiting in...


Mary Kelleher was elected just a few weeks ago to the board of the Tarrant Regional Water District, on a platform of demanding transparency...