Civil Rights Lawsuit Postponed for Another Day
Last night the Fort Worth ISD voted 5-4 to table the latest redistricting plan that would have weakened minority voting strength in probably three...
Civil Rights or Civil Rights Lawsuit? FWISD Board to Decide Tonight
It’s called “cracking” by the courts, long-time civil-rights lawyer Jason Smith wrote in an op-ed piece recently in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. It is...
Is Rick Perry Dumb? Duh!
Ever since the website Politico published a story last month asking Is Rick Perry Dumb?, a flurry of media opinionators have declared the question...
The Race is On for District 90
Carlos Vasquez, Fort Worth school board member since 2008, has thrown his hat into another political ring: challenging state representative Lon Burnam in the...
FWISD in Palazzolo Case Claims Racial Misidentification by Hearing Examiner a...
The Fort Worth school district through its attorney, Walsh Anderson, recently filed a petition in the 348th District Court appealing the Commissioner of Education’s...
Obama Misses Point
The stock market is in a freefall, losing 5 percent of its value today.
Meanwhile, President Obama has been blaming the messenger ever since Standard...
Palazzolo is Back on the Payroll
Joe Palazzolo, former Arlington Heights High School assistant principal turned whistle blower, is back on the payroll of the Fort Worth school district -- plus...
Gambling With Taxpayers’ Money
On the advice of its attorneys from the Houston law firm of Walsh Anderson, Fort Worth school trustees on Tuesday night voted 6-2 to appeal...
Stage West Does Mamet
This week’s “Stage” page features an interview with Dana Schultes, a longtime Fort Worth actor at Stage West who directed the company’s current production...
Another Win for Palazzolo
Joe Palazzolo, the embattled whistleblower and former assistant principal at Arlington Heights High School won another round in his appeal to the Commissioner...