Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sign-Stealing Socrates Strikes

Crowd Counters Right-Wingers

Tarrant County Voter Guide

School Board Patriots on the Move

Separate Lines



Your School Tax Dollars at Work

Fort Worth Weekly has reported in previous posts that the outside legal costs to fight Fort Worth ISD whistleblower Joe Palazzolo has reached more than...

Best Government Money Can Buy

The Supreme Court protects the rights of corporations to buy and sell lawmakers and continue leading the United States into the crapper. So, in honor...

Southern Baptists: Still Wacky

If you want to know why so many young adults view organized religion with great skepticism, look no further than the monumental strangeness of...

Tea Party’s Endurance Still In Question

When did Ted Cruz' challenge against David Dewhurst for the Texas Senate become a referendumon the tea party? Probably the same time as every...

Domingo Garcia Gets A Host of Local Endorsements

In a call to unify behind one candidate in the runoff between Domingo Garcia of Dallas and Marc Veasey of Fort Worth to be the Democratic...

Whistleblower Settles for $135K

Aracely  Chavez, the whistleblower fired by the Fort Worth schools three years ago will receive $135,000 in "damages and attorney's fees," according to an email...

Fired FWISD Whistleblower Chavez Reinstated

At last night's Fort Worth school board meeting, Aracely Chavez, the former financial department employee who blew the whistle on the failed Tyler Industries...

DMN Story: Bush + Abstinence + Condoms = Win

I'll begin with acknowledging that President George W. Bush is an easy target. Criticizing the cowboy president that embroiled America in the longest wars in...

Domingo Garcia Tries To Rally ‘Sleeping Brown Giant’

Falling behind Marc Veasey in the race to win the new Congressional District 33 seat, Dallas candidate Domingo Garcia is appealing to fellow Latinos...

America To Bush: We Don’t Much Like You

From the "tell us something we didn't already know" department: North Texas' George W. Bush is the least popular living ex-president, says this CNN poll. In...