Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sign-Stealing Socrates Strikes

Crowd Counters Right-Wingers

Tarrant County Voter Guide

School Board Patriots on the Move

Separate Lines



LA Times Op-Ed Column Calls For Palin In 2016

Maybe California should fall off into the Pacific Ocean after all. A Los Angeles Times op-ed column says Sarah Palin is the Republican Party's top...

Perry Insinuates He’ll Run Again for Governor… And President

Well, the evidence has arrived: Mr. Goodhair will in all likelihood run again in two years for Texas governor -- and possibly for president...

Breaking News: Sex is Fun

Much confusion surrounds the ongoing scandal of Gen. David Petraeus, who had to resign from the CIA after a fling with his biographer Paula...

Post-Election Wrap

It’s been hard trying to digest the press coverage of the presidential election while covering the film festival. I’ve read many insightful things from...

Fort Worth High School Students Not Big Fans of Mitt Romney

This election dragged on so long that everyone and their dog knows that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn't won because he couldn't get...

Texas GOP Loses House Super- majority, Ensures Nasty 2013 Session

Just a year and a half ago, Texas Republicans enjoyed almost total control of the state government. Their 102-48 supermajority in the House --...

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

What am I happiest about now that the 2012 elections are over? Well, obviously it was a strong night for left-leaning voters –– Obama...

Fort Worth Teen Suspended For Anti-Gay Comments Makes Video

Remember Dakota Ary? He was the teenager disciplined by Western Hills High School last year after a teacher overheard him telling another student that...

Lena Dunham Gives Right-Wingers Female Trouble

When writing a post like this, I become very much aware that there are no women writing regularly on this blog, now that Betty...

Abbott (After Fighting For Voter ID) Threatens UN Observers

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott "should be better informed," said Daan Everts, an ambassador with the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe. That painful...