Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sign-Stealing Socrates Strikes

Crowd Counters Right-Wingers

Tarrant County Voter Guide

School Board Patriots on the Move

Separate Lines



Welcome to Dystopian Texas

I keep two copper pipes on my chest of drawers. The plumber gave them to me after replacing them six weeks after they froze...

Streaming Review: The Fallout

I swear, I wasn’t looking for a movie about school shootings. I just wanted something to pass the time on my flight back into...

Mediocrity Burning

Two heavyweight Williams of Western lit walk into a bar. The more prominent — William Shakespeare, still a household name centuries after his time —...

Tay Day Parade Draws Hundreds

Friends and family of Atatiana Jefferson put out a call for support from the community, and the community answered. Around 500 people joined the inaugural...

Thousands Turn Out for Abortion Rights March Downtown

Chants of “My body, my choice!” and “Vote them out!” reverberated through the streets of downtown Fort Worth yesterday morning. Women and men, high schoolers...

Aaron Dean’s Trial Date to Coincide with City Council Vote on...

The news of a trial date for former Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean came as a sign of “new hope,” said Chris Nettles,...

Dirty Pool?

Tucked in a grove among oak trees, within earshot of the Fort Worth Zoo, the storied Forest Park Pool has served Fort Worth for...

Shut ’Em Down Rally Draws Dozens

About 25 people took to the steps of the Tarrant County Courthouse downtown Thursday evening for a rally. They might have captured little attention...

Clinics Under Duress as Abortion Ban Starts

As of Sept. 1, health-care providers in Texas have had to explain to many patients why they cannot have an abortion. Marva Sadler, senior...

Fetus Fetish

A tyrannical and heavy-handed government — the very kind that the state’s so-called patriots claim to loathe — is steamrolling into place in Texas. A...