Friday, July 5, 2024

On Tap in Fort Worth with Laura Cammarata


Top 5 Shows


Hittin’ the Fort with Downtown Cowtown



Buck U: All Systems Go for the Frogs and ISU

Football is back! Alright, everyone. Calm down. I’m not yelling. You’re yelling! I’m not here to be a buzzkill, maybe a little, but as...

Premiere of Denver Williams’ “Cement and Plastic”

It’s time for another music video premiere, this one from veteran singer-songwriter Denver Williams. The frontman for the psych-rock group Chillamundo is releasing his...

Hittin’ the Fort: The Rabbit Hole Pub

Drones Bring US Pilots Closer To Enemies’ Lives

Thought drone warfare was making warfare into a video game? Not so, according to a front-page New York Times story that flips the conventional understanding...

Send in the Goons

Speaking at a recent meeting, a board member for TAD (Tarrant Appraisal District), Rich DeOtte, argued to release the findings from an August investigation...

If They Care About Equity, Fort Worth Schools Must Extend Virtual...

Last week’s narrow vote by Fort Worth’s school board to re-open schools to in-person learning stands in sharp contrast to the school district’s professed...

The Elevated Elixir: Zero-Proof Cocktails and Craft Beers

When Beth Hutson decided to cut alcohol out of her life in 2019, she realized that, at least in Fort Worth, zero-proof cocktails were...

Sisterhood Is Powerful

The heat wasn’t the only thing raging at the Tarrant County Courthouse downtown this past Saturday as the Bans Off Our Bodies Women’s March...

Morning News Roundup, Jun 29

We’re So Two-Dimensional This three-dimensional world we live in might really be flat but we're living in a hologram that makes it look 3-D to...

Final Weekend for SceneShop’s “Real Men”

Tonight and tomorrow night (8pm August 9 & 10) are the final performances of SceneShop’s annual summer collection of comic and dramatic sketches and...