Monday, March 3, 2025

Sign-Stealing Socrates Strikes

Crowd Counters Right-Wingers

Tarrant County Voter Guide

Pro-Palestine Protest Calls for Israeli Ceasefire



Why is the city settling for a mere drop out of...

The Fort Worth City Council, facing a budget gap of $59 million that it closed by firing long-time workers and forcing pay cuts on...

Fighting the Good Fight

Here’s a big salute to Natalie Ellis, a 34 year old criminology student at UTA. A volunteer for the UTA Arlington Innocence Network, she...

Dubya’s New Career Launches in FW

The next surreal chapter in the life of George W. Bush plays out here in Fort Worth on Monday. He's starting his career as...

President Obama Inhales Common Sense

What a difference a president makes. Under President Obama, the Justice Department said today that people who toke the ganja or distribute weed for...

Stockyards “Lame In”

Aw, man! Last week when I endorsed Queer Liberaction’s Saturday ”Queer Kiss In” at the Stockyards, I sure didn’t have the lame result in...

First Democratic Gubernatorial Forum to be Held at TCU

Yesterday, the Tarrant County Young Democrats announced that they, along with the...

Brokeback Stockyards

My colleague, the ultra-prolific “Blotcher” Jeff Prince, made some excellent points in his “Big Balls” post. Most gay-sympathetic hetero Texans are as likely to...

Obama’s Nobel Is Novel

President Barack Obama said he doesn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. A bunch of Americans agree with...

Levi’s Johnson

Don’t pretend you’re shocked that Levi Johnston – Bristol Palin’s baby daddy and Sarah Palin’s pain in the ass – is going to pose...

Sarah Palin Going Rogue All The Way To Bank

Why? For the love of God, why? Why in the name of all that’s reasonable and sane -- why? Why in the mind-numbingly dense "Achey Breaky Heart"...