Local Film Industry Mixer Tonight
Adam Dietrich, artistic director of the multi-media performance art group The Butterfly Connection, is hosting a film-industry...
Call for Actors, Extras
Extras and actors are needed for a short film being shot at the Chat Room Pub (1263...
Strange Tribute
Regular viewers of NBC Channel 5 by now know that veteran TV reporter Brett Johnson died unexpectedly and far too young from pancreatitis over...
Bachelorette Douchebag Comes to Town
Look, I don’t like throwing stones –– enough have been thrown at me to know that most of them almost always come from only...
Life in the Theater
Check out tomorrow’s “Stage” page for a nifty chat with Justin Flowers and Dana Schultes, two of the city’s most versatile and most active...
Weekender, Thur., July 9
Around happy hour tonight (Thursday) on the patio at Central Market (4651 W. Fwy., 817-335-1373) you will be able to marvel at Chatterton, the...
Seniors Today
Recently, there’s been a fair amount of handwringing over how 21st century digital distractions like the internet, blackberries, and cell phone cameras have obliterated...
Free Tix: James McMurtry
Alt-country singer-songwriter and one of four ’09 inductees into our Fort Worth Music Hall of Fame, James...
The Return of the King
One-man-R&B-band Nathan Brown/Browningham is playing tonight at The Grotto, probably about 1 in the morning, after everyone has drunk a dangerous amount of alcohol...
Dinner Roll: Restaurant Round-Up July 4 Edition
Keep those restaurant related emails rolling in: eric.griffey@fwweekly.com
Hoffbrau Steaks (1712 S. University...