Sunday, March 16, 2025

Around Fort Worth

Around Fort Worth

Gay Raid

A couple of week’s ago, some members of Fort Worth’s GLBT community began “raiding” straight bars, no doubt in response to the now-infamous Rainbow...

Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn Ya

Those controversial red-light cameras just keep on coming. The city of Fort Worth tell us that nine more red-light cameras will be added to the...

In the City

This Friday night, UTA is hosting a chat by urban economic theorist Richard Florida. If listening to ideas about regional economies and urban redevelopment...

Toilt Paper on Fire

Breaking news on the Star-Telegram website: "Burleson Elementary school evacuated after toilt paper set ablaze" It was just one roll of the toilt paper burning at...

(Nearly) Free Beer!

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) from 5 to 7 p.m., Rahr & Sons Brewery will open its doors to the unwashed for a tour and sampling....

Soul of City Hall

The often dreary workaday business at City Hall just got a shot of “Yummy!”: The “Star-T” reports today that Drew’s Place, the popular 22...

Historic Fort Worth Exhibit Wrapping Up

Preservation is the Art of the City is an art show and sale whose proceeds benefit preservation programs at Historic Fort Worth, a nonprofit...

Weekender, Fri., Sept. 18

Got an un-mastered copy of Stella Rose’s new album (eight tracks, as-yet untitled). It’s badass: heavy, melodic, and a little trippy. (Think: My Bloody...

Another Rainy Weekend

There are only three more performances in Amphibian Productions’ run of Richard Greenberg’s quietly affecting ”Three Days Of Rain.” Catch it if you can....

TNL Canceled, Burning Hotels/Stella Rose Show a Go

It’s Thursday. You know what that means: rain. And you know what that means: Thursday Night Live is canceled. Again. Tonight’s performance by Josh...