Jerry Jones’ Headquarters Halfway Done
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is building a $350 million headquarters in Frisco amid the heralded “$5 Billion Mile” of development along the Dallas North Tollway. Don’t be jealous, Arlington. Frisco footed much of the bill through city sales tax and school district funding.

Boy Scouts Embrace Gay Leaders
“Embracing” might be an overstatement. More likely, the Boy Scouts of America is biting it’s tongue, grinding its teeth, and ignoring its bleeding ulcer while lifting a long-held ban against gay troop leaders.  Well, they kind of lifted the ban. Some troops will still be allowed to discriminate. In knot-speak, the organization did a Roundturn & Two Half Hitches.

Fort Worth Oil Firm Heads East
Fort Worth’s Burnett Oil Co. is among the drillers wanting to search for petroleum products near ecologically sensitive areas in the Everglades and a national preserve. Environmentalists are worried. But the oil companies promise they’ll be careful, so it should all work out fine.


FW Biz Press Columnist Has Man Crush On Grady Spears
I’m still waiting to see a food review of the new Grady Spears joint, Horsehoe Hill Café. The food will probably be excellent. Spears knows how to cook a meal. One thing’s for certain, Fort Worth Business Press executive and columnist Richard Conner loves him some Grady.  In this recent column, Conner heralds Spears as “the original cowboy chef” and refers to him as “affable, fun loving, creative, and adventuresome” with worldwide fame. The “renowned culinary master” had an “almost mythical” climb from cook to chef. Conner did everything but sign his column with XXXXs and OOOOs. His only mention of Spears’ numerous restaurant failures and break-ups with business partners and investors comes at the end of the column, when Conner says: “One dream gave way to another and Grady has ridden the bronc that is the restaurant industry. Sometimes you make the 8-second ride. Sometimes you get bucked off. Always, you get back on.” Why don’t Spears’ former business partners have that attitude?

Nosy Sisters Bust Cheating Wife
Infidelity, like baseball, is as American as apple pie. Tell that to the two sisters who became amateur detectives and busted a woman who was sexting another man while her husband was away from his seat.  I’m not sure who I’d rather see get hit in the head with a foul ball, the two sisters or the cheating wife. Life is tough, and what probably happened was the poor husband returned to his seat just in time to take the foul ball upside his head.