TELEGRAPH CANYON LOGO (courtesy Telegraph Canyon)

Toll Increase Coming
A friend uses Chisholm Trail Parkway because he saves $10 in gas on his commute, which covers the cost of the toll. Most local drivers, though, seem to avoid toll roads unless it saves them a whole lot of time and distance. Something about paying tolls doesn’t sit well with Tarrant County folks. So, when business is bad, raise prices!

Fur-Ever Homes Needed
Another friend of mine has a three-legged dog, a blue-heeler mix, he found in a trash bag on the side of the road about 10 years ago. He named it Robert Earl. The ornery critter likes to bite the back of your ankles when you walk, but otherwise he’s a cool dog. If you’d like to have a dog with an interesting back-story, someone found 10 puppies in a trash bag in downtown Fort Worth. Seven survived and they’ll be put up for adoption soon.

Women’s Political Event On Saturday
Women hold only 28 percent of the roughly 400 public offices in Tarrant County. A training session on Saturday will instruct local women interested in jumping from concerned citizen to candidate. Rep. Nicole Collier will be there to discuss her legislative accomplishments during lunch. Hosted by the political organization Annie’s List, the Ready to Run training session is 9 to 5 on Saturday at Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church, 1959 Sandy Lane. Cost is $25.


Fort Worth’s Got Talent
War, famine, a shaky economy, and climate change are just a few of the global worries of the age, but, by golly, we got a guy who’s going to appear on America’s Got Talent next Tuesday! Fort Worth truckdriver Daniel Martin will show off his jet skiing skills during an audition episode featuring extreme sports. The prize is $1 million. If you earn $10 an hour, you would have to work for 48 years to make $1 million. Howard Stern earns $15 million a season just for sitting and judging. He gets another $80 million or so from his other ventures. Ain’t life funny?

Telegraph Canyon Headlines Friday On The Green
The musical lineup is intriguing for tonight’s Friday on the Green concert held monthly at Magnolia Green, located on Lipscomb between Magnolia and Rosedale streets. It’s supposed to be cloudy this afternoon and so the weather should be pleasant and perfect for some eating, drinking, and listening.

9PM – Telegraph Canyon
8PM – Natural Anthem
7PM – Shadows of Jets