Friends, flowers, fiddle music, teardrops, and plenty of funny stories made the A.C. “Ace” Cook memorial a poignant but happy place to be on Monday afternoon.

About a hundred people showed up at the Van Cliburn Recital Hall in downtown Fort Worth.

Folks mingled while a pianist played some of Cook’s favorite music, and then everyone sat down to listen to family and friends say their goodbyes.

The guest list included a mixture of artists, museum directors, art collectors, bikers, curators, writers, college professors, and other assorted characters that called Ace a friend.
The table settings were pure Ace:

The stories came fast and furious, as was fitting considering the enthusiastic manner in which Ace lived his life.

Just thought of something. Monday was the first time I ever spoke in Ace’s presence when he didn’t interrupt and correct something I was saying about him so it was a good day afterall.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone that was with me that day, both in body and in spirit. My father would have been very touched by the outpouring of love that was in that room…somehow I have a feeling that he was with us…and Morris, I think he was 100% o.k. with what you had to say – FINALLY!!!
It was a beautiful ceremony. Ace was a special man. He’s missed.