Texas women’s bodies are safe for another week.

Round 2 of a special legislative session, following on the heels of Sen. Wendy Davis’s much publicized filibuster on abortion restrictions last week, was about as climactic as a Pauly Shore movie.

The Texas Senate convened this afternoon at 2 and quickly recessed until July 9 to make way for the July 4 holiday.


The politicians gave themselves a week off, apparently unaware that Independence DAY is generally celebrated during a 24-hour period on July 4 rather than the rest of this week and into next week. They’ll probably give themselves a pay raise for only taking a week off.

Davis, a Fort Worth Democrat, blocked a new abortion bill on June 25 with a long filibuster at the state capitol that earned her headlines around the world.



  1. Momentum (grass roots) against this terrible piece of legislation seems to be building. The “pro-life” TP conservatives are having to try to sell this as a “women’s safety” issue, which is deceitful and dishonest. The “smaller government” TP conservatives are really not happy about this Turkey of a bill. The Repubs- who want to get re-elected , –rather than go down in flames next election cycle- -are trying to buy time, either to work out new arguments for this horrible bill, or to retreat as gracefully as possible. Davis has made Texas Democrats look like geniuses compared to the “ruling” majority party. Good for her!

    • What depths of depravity does a woman have to sink to to abandon her children and then beseech other women to murder theirs in the womb?