Tank Girl is a character created by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett. She gets you. Courtesy Freewill Astrology Newsletter




Feeling overwhelmed by current events? Here are some things you can do. Set Boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can’t track everything. That’s by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness. Use Aggregators and Experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events.  Making you feel overwhelmed is part of the plan. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. Practice Going Slow: Wait 48 hours before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context. Build Community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues. Network intelligence beats individual overload. Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance. Interested in more of this type of info? Subscribe to the Freewill Astrology Newsletter by Rob Brezsny at



ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Boundaries between different aspects of your world—professional and personal, spiritual and practical—might blur in interesting ways. A temporary dissolution of the usual limits may offer you surprising insights and unexpected opportunities for realignment. Be alert for helpful clues about how to adjust the way you see things.


TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20)

From day to day, glaciers appear static. But they are actually slow-moving rivers of ice that have tremendous creative power. They can make or reshape valleys, moving tons of dirt and rock. course of their activity. Imagine yourself as a glacier in the coming months, Notice and keep track of your slow but sure progress. Trust that your persistence will ultimately pay off.


GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20)

Everything important will arise in threes —except when they come in twos, in which case you should hunt for the missing third. PS: When the wild things call to you, respond promptly.


CANCERIAN (Jun 21-Jul 22)

Call on the help of the past melodies and memories that still resonate — and that can inspire your future adventures! Your words of power are regeneration, revival, and reanimation.


LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Generate good fortune for yourself by going on a quest to discover rich potentials and stirring possibilities that are as-yet hidden or unexpressed. Be bold enough to scan the frontiers for sources of beauty and truth that you have been missing.


VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Austrian playwright Elfriede Jelinek won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004, and Romanian-German author Herta Müller earned it in 2009. But, winning this prestigious award did not boost their book sales. In some markets, their famous works are now out of print. In 2025, do in your own spheres what they only half-accomplished in theirs. Gather more appreciation and attention while simultaneously raising your income.


LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22)

You are in a phase when you have the power to blend and synergize seemingly opposing aspects of your world. You would be wise to meditate on how to find common ground between practical necessity and spiritual aspiration. .


SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Sometime in the next five months, you will make interesting discoveries while looking for something other than what you find. They won’t be as spectacular as the terracotta army discovered by farmers digging a well, but they will be fun and life-changing.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Author Zora Neale Hurston said, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” The first half of 2025 will ask questions, and the second half will answer them. Gather and polish your best questions in the next five months, then in July tell life you are ready to receive answers.


CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Hemoglobin is an iron-bearing protein that’s crucial to most life. It enables the transportation of oxygen in the blood. The icefish of the Antarctic seas, lacks it. They evolved other ways to obtain and circulate oxygen in the frozen depths. Be like them: Adjust to an apparent problem in ways that lead to fine evolutionary innovations.


AQUARIUS (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Your intuition and instincts will bring you insights that may seem unearned or premature. (They’re not!) You will garner breakthroughs that seem to be arriving from the future.


PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20)

One of the world’s deepest caves is Veryovkina in the nation of Georgia. At its lowest, it’s 7,257 feet down. There are creatures living there that are found nowhere else on earth. Make this your symbolic power spot for now. Dive further into the unknown depths than you have in quite some time. Fascinating mysteries and useful secrets await you.



For unabridged versions of the horoscopes above by Rob Brezsny, go to





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