One July protest against a Confederate statue in Weatherford attracted several dozen self-described “Confederates.” Jason Brimmer

A “White Lives Matter” march may be taking place downtown tomorrow/Sunday. 

Law enforcement across the country are preparing for a constellation of “White Lives Matter” marches after the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an anti-hate organization that monitors and fights hate speech and antisemitism, noticed chatter on the unrestricted social media app Telegram of a national rally to “revive the white racial consciousness and to unify white people against white hate. A show of support for white victims of interracial crime,” according to a quote published by the ADL.

In stories in Newsweek and the Dallas Observer, Fort Worth has been listed as one of the 43 locales for the far-right protests.


If white supremacists do rally in Fort Worth, they will likely be met by counterprotests. A spokesperson with Enough Is Enough said her grassroots group “will not” be counter-protesting today. While an overtly white supremacist rally hasn’t occurred in Fort Worth in recent years, believers in conspiracy theorists like QAnon, anti-maskers, and Trump supporters have all marched or held rallies in Fort Worth over the past year in favor of fringe ideas. 

A protest against a Confederate statue in Weatherford last July also attracted several dozen self-described “Confederates,” according to multiple attendees we spoke to at the time (“A History of Violence,” July 2020). Supporters of the losers of the Civil War called the Black men at the event the n-word and, the white female protestors, n-word “lovers.”

Police spokespeople in North Carolina, Ohio, and California’s Orange County have released official statements acknowledging the pending rallies, according to a recent article in Forbes. The Fort Worth police department has not released any statements about the potential convergence of right-wing groups tomorrow. Fort Worth police spokesperson Daniel Segura recently told the Weekly that his department maintains a dedicated anti-terrorism task force that monitors both mainstream and unregulated social media platforms like Telegram and Parler for suspicious activity. 

“With social media, we have many resources to tap into and look for keywords,” he said at the time. “If it ties back to Fort Worth, we will look at it right away.”

This article has been updated to reflect new information.


  1. There you go with labeling people, lumping everyone together if they don’t subscribe to the Communist in power narrative. To those that don’t believe they are Communist, look no further than the social media companies censoring anyone who disagrees or has an alternative viewpoint from what their “fact checkers” say. Who voted for these companies to decide what you & I can say or read? I’m 60 years old & I was raised & taught that everything has 2 sides. You should have open debate about both sides of an issue, that is the only way to make an informed decision. We were taught & told that when only one side of an issue is allowed to be discussed & nothing else, this is what Russia & China does to their people.
    I submit that none of you have been allowed to hear or see people discuss & debate both sides of the “vaccines” issues. You’ve only heard one side & the narrative is take the vaccine, everyone must take the vaccine, 24/7.
    No open debates between qualified licensed doctors, NONE HAS BEEN ALLOWED. Like this article, anyone who doesn’t go along with the program is LABELED a conspiracy theorist. I beg to differ, the question to ask is why is there a conspiracy by social media & our government to silence open debate about everything? Like I stated above, this behavior is no different than the COMMUNISTS in China & Russia. Both countries told us they wouldn’t have to invade us, we would do it to ourselves. How true.