As of Monday morning at 12:00:01am, the 2000s will be old enough to vote, get a tattoo, buy pornography, and serve on a jury. If you’re looking for a place to ring in 2018, there’s no shortage of places to go on New Year’s Eve.

If you’re cheap, there’s no cover charge for the parties at Studio Eighty, Twilite Lounge, or the Wild Pitch Sports Bar & Grill. They’ll all have champagne, and Twilite will offer the traditional black-eyed peas for prosperity in the year ahead.

If you’re willing to pay a bit, you can also get some nice throw-ins with your celebration, like stand-up comedy (Hyena’s and the Arlington Improv), live music by Poo Live Crew (Fat Daddy’s), a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald (Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra), or a breakfast buffet at 12:30am (Cassidy’s Night Club). Social House is offering a four-course dinner if you’re in a mood to splurge, and Denton’s Li’l D NYE party has a steep entry price, but the ticket benefits various charities as well as giving you an evening of casino games and raffles. Since we’re never one to miss an opportunity to promote ourselves, Fort Worth Weekly will sponsor the Ritz & Wonders celebration at The Violet Room, with circus performances and burlesque. Drop by our party!


Check Calendar for times, locations, and prices for New Year’s Eve celebrations in Tarrant County.