
Hey lard ass! Yes, I’m talking to you.

At least, the chances are very, very good that I’m talking to you if you live in Texas — we’re a bunch of roly-polies around here.


This Men’s Health study lists the 10 Fattest Cities in the United States, and five of those cities are in Texas.

Corpus Christi is No. 1, which is scary considering Corpus is on the coast.  Why am I envisioning this guy waddling around the beach in a thong?


El Paso (3), Dallas (4), San Antonio (7), and Houston (9) round out the list.

Only one Texas city – Austin – made the Top 10 Leanest Cities. Shows what a few bean sprouts on a Kaiser roll sans mayo will do for you.

Texas legislators are pushing a bill to require restaurants to list calorie counts. A more appropriate bill would be to require larger booths. It’s getting hard to slide into those seats these days.