A Blotch commenter says he’s creating a Romoing.com web site in honor of Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.
Earlier this week I blogged about how Tebowing led to Bradying, and then riffed on Romoing, Newmaning, Garretting, and Jonesing in honor of our local guys (well, mocking more than honoring, but you get the drift).
At the bottom of the post, someone names Court left a comment: “Love this. From the owner of Bradying.com and Romoing.com”
Curious, I clicked on www.romoing.com and a photo of New England Patriots qb Tom Brady popped up, along with a short message: “See, not lying.”
I emailed Court and asked what’s up with that.
His reply: “I will have something up later in the day. Working on it now. Thanks, Court.”
These are exciting times we live in, people.
It’s live now, but the DNS still has to sort itself out before it shows up on romoing.com, which should be later today. For now you can add pictures at http://romoing.tumblr.com/
I know you can beat those suckas from bradying.com.