You’ve probably heard the mutterings from certain sewing circles that the owner of Pop’s Safari Room & Wine Bar is in the hardcore porn industry. Well, let me set you straight: I recently met with Pop himself, proprietor Perry Tong, and I can say for the record that he is not now nor has ever been in the hardcore porn industry.

Only softcore.

For years during the 1990s, Tong and some business associates shot episodes of the Playboy Channel’s Mermaid series, in addition to booby-tube commercials and what has to be his magnum opus, the Cinemax indie Singapore Sling, starring skintastic starlet Shannon Tweed.

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Though ancient history, Tong’s titillating past makes, for Last Call at least, his Cultural District hideaway only that much more charming. Ensconced in the safari theme, Pop’s oozes an exotic, super-macho, adults-only vibe; the place seems exactly like the kind of hang-out you were warned by Mom to stay away from but for whatever reason just can’t. (The once-tortuous parking lot has been re-paved, and Tong said that a patio will be ready by the fall.)

Sharing tales from the sex trade, Tong himself now appears larger than life, almost Hemingway-esque. The softcore work, he said, was about 99 percent business and 1 percent fun. (BTW, Tweed was a real pain in the, uh, ass.) Restaurateuring, the long and happily married Tong said, is a much better way to meet attractive women.

Not Quiet on the Western Front

All of the movie talk with Tong got Last Call riled up for a little screen action – and cheap beer. Thus, a stop by the patio at Fred’s Café for the inaugural installation of “Western Movie Night.”

Every Monday from here on out, chef/owner Terry Chandler plans on screening a six-gun classic to accompany menu specials. He’s following in the footsteps of other Clubland establishments: Caves Lounge usually shows cult faves, such as Dazed and Confused and Old School, while Hot Shots is where Q Cinema lays down its gay-centric celluloid. But leave it to good ol’ boy Chandler, a.k.a. the Outlaw Chef, to countrify Cowtown even further.

An impressive crowd turned out for Marlon Brando’s One-Eyed Jacks (and, an hour earlier, for a re-run of an episode of Chapelle’s Show). Big props to jack-of-all-trades Quincy Wallace for handling projectionist’s duties flawlessly. Good countrified food, $1.50 Lone Stars, and Brando? I’d say a rather successful Monday in Dodge.

Contact Last Call at

Pop’s Safari Room & Wine Bar
2929 Morton St, FW. 817-334-0563.

Fred’s Café
915 Currie St, FW. 817-332-0083.

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