Earlier this summer, Gov. Rick Perry vetoed legislation to ban texting while driving, calling it a “government effort to micromanage the behavior of adults.”

Does that mean Arlington is micromanaging its citizenry? After all, the city banned texting while driving on Tuesday, becoming the first Metroplex city to do so.


Perry’s right on this one.  I don’t mind people texting while they drive. I mind people weaving all over the road. If someone is driving dangerously, pull ’em over whether they’re texting, reading the newspaper, plucking their eyebrows, searching for a radio station, or picking their nose.

If Perry believes what he said about micromanaging, he should end the seatbelt law as well.


  1. What texas really needs to facilitate a smoother traffic flow on the highways is a law restricting the innermost lane to passing traffic.

    Oh, wait…

  2. I think legislation has value in raising public awareness in forums like this one but it will be difficult to solely legislate our way out of this issue. I just read that 72% of teens text daily – many text more 4000 times a month. New college students no longer have email addresses! They use texting and Facebook – even with their professors. This text and drive issue is in its infancy and its not going away.

    I decided to do something about distracted driving after my three year old daughter was nearly run down right in front of me by a texting driver. Instead of a shackle that locks down phones and alienates the user (especially teens) I built a tool called OTTER that is a simple GPS based, texting auto reply app for smartphones. It also silences call ringtones while driving unless you have a bluetooth enabled. I think if we can empower the individual then change will come to our highways now and not just our laws.

    Erik Wood, owner
    OTTER app