Fresh off her third-place finish in this weekend’s mayoral election, Cathy Hirt isn’t quick to endorse either Jim Lane or Betsy Price.

The runoff election is June 18.

“I’m not prepared to make a decision about endorsements at this point,” Hirt said today.


She’s received calls from local firefighters asking her to endorse their favorite candidate, Lane.

Price appears to be the frontrunner, as she nabbed 43 percent of the vote compared to Lane’s 26 percent.

One thing is certain to Hirt — the majority of Fort Worth voters wanted to protect the status quo rather than solicit change at city hall. Hirt’s campaign embraced a fiscally conservative approach to Trinity River Vision and city retirement benefits, and a tighter regulatory stance on drilling.

“I’m disappointed in the election but I respect the citizens of Fort Worth — they’ve made their choice,” she said. “The people who don’t want any change in the city and love what’s going on and think it’s great, voted for Betsy Price.”


  1. It makes you wonder why the fool of Barrett decided to run last minute! Perhaps he was also being paid by special interests. Neither Lane or Price are good for Fort Worth. Hope Cathy does not endorse either one as they are the same.

  2. quite possibly many people who favored change just happened to realize that CH is a seriously flawed candidate. she seemed to be running for the school board, not mayor. her ego and style would simply paralyze things, not change them. this whole meme that “she was too good for the voters” is a crock. the run-off options suck, but that doesn’t make her good.

  3. It does not speak well of this city when the same thing keeps happening over and over again. Now the media predicted a low voter turn out. It will be good when those of us who do vote, do take 10 people to the polls, go door to door on our own decide that enough is enough. Maybe its time to start getting ready for the next elections NOW!
    Political education has to start not just 60 days before the election. The organization, the planning and the assessment of what we want has to start now.
    How many times does the bully have to take your lunch money or your TAX DOLLARS before you decide enough. I wish that Cathy Hirt had really picked up a big stick. But its over, today, now lets not fight amongst our selves. Pull up a chair get out the pins and do lets the council hear from the real people. Pick your issue, get some people and fight not your neighbor or friend. Understand what, yesterday is gone. tomorrow does not belong to others unless we give it to them!