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Online gaming is a pastime that has evolved through technological advances. Although players have been able to obtain increased entertainment experiences through improved gameplay, they’ve also been able to enhance social connections through the activity.

The virtual scene is huge. It has helped new relationships with people that they may not have necessarily met in their lives outside of the entertainment form. This can be particularly prevalent for individuals who find themselves located in countries where gaming is ingrained within their culture.


Gaming’s Impact on the Global Social Scene

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Australia is a notable example of a culture that is rich when it comes to its affinity for gaming. Gamers from Down Under are said to have used online gaming as a means to form new relationships with others, with statistics highlighting just how popular the activity is as a means of making new connections. The eSafety Commissioner reported in 2021 that 15% of young people have best friends they interact with both online and offline, while 6% have best friends they interact with solely online.

Indeed, it’s not just traditional online forms of gaming that have allowed Aussies to continue to enjoy the activity and get more from it. Social connections have been formed by older players who participate in iGaming activities. An online casino in Australia can allow players to communicate with each other when they are playing their favorite pokies or table games. Some may have implemented social features like in-game chat or other unique features that can allow users to interact with each other.

It’s not just Australia where this can be witnessed. Globally, the social aspect of online gaming has been a huge hit. MMORPG players from more than 45 countries have been found to have made lifelong friends and partners through gaming. It’s not just MMORPG-specific, though, as almost half of all gamers are said to find a good friend or spouse through gaming.


How Has Online Gaming Become a Social Activity?

Although online gaming can often be enjoyed for its entertainment value in its first regard, new options have become available that have solely focused on the social features that individuals may crave. This arguably became more important than ever during the pandemic.

Gamers sought ways in which they could communicate and connect with others while still ensuring they were being entertained. As the world went into a global lockdown, titles like Animal Crossing and Among Us would go on to become huge hits. While the gameplay offered could be described as a factor of attraction, many enjoyed the social side of these games. They could connect with others globally and enjoy a pastime that would allow them to talk with others, giving them the social interaction that they had been missing.

While it was possible to use technologies like video calling software and social media platforms, online gaming added the entertainment value that could stop boredom from setting it. It could also allow people to engage in a different type of hobby while connecting, while some may have been able to game for the first time in a while because of the free time they had on their hands as daily life came to a halt.

The social aspect, combined with the entertainment that could be obtained, gave people a reason to be motivated to get on with their day during the period. It was a difficult time, but being able to talk with others helped pass the time, with many forming connections they otherwise wouldn’t have made.


Will Online Gaming Continue to Redefine Entertainment?

As mentioned, online games have often been primarily enjoyed as entertainment. Many will engage in this activity because of the fun that they can obtain. The ability to connect with gamers worldwide has become an added bonus for so many.

With technology continuing to evolve rapidly, new gaming experiences are being created. We’ve seen new features implemented within titles that have helped to transform the type of entertainment and satisfaction that players can receive. It has been a must for the industry as player demands continue to change, especially as tech can promise new and unique sessions.

It wouldn’t be a surprise if the gaming industry was to experience changes in the future, with both entertainment and social aspects being considered key drivers or motives. Although the world is back to normal and people can live their daily lives, hobby gaming still remains popular. Gaming has been a way to combine the ability to talk to others globally while obtaining fun at the same time.

With the world’s population spending more time on screens, the ability to be social on a virtual basis has been important. Many seek options that allow them to achieve this, arguably changing the way the majority of people game forever; making it something the industry must keep in mind with each release from now on.