Congratulations to last year’s Trashion Fashion Show winners Natalie Jaecks, Jimena Villagomez, and Louisa Hathcock. Courtesy City of Fort Worth

While Earth Month isn’t until April, Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (KFWB) is starting early! KFWB is hosting its 40th annual Cowtown Great American Cleanup, its largest yearly litter cleanup and beautification event of the year, on Sat, Mar 29. In 2024, Cowtown Cleanup volunteers removed over 134,000 pounds of litter from our city!

Register Early and Get a FREE T-Shirt!
Registration is now open! All volunteers will be provided litter cleanup supplies, including trash bags and gloves. The first 4,000 volunteers to register will receive a free, event t-shirt. Sign up as an individual or a group at one of our pre-selected cleanup hubs, or choose a public area of your own.

Let’s Celebrate!
Following the morning cleanup, all volunteers are invited to join KFWB at Rockwood Park for Earth Party. This celebration is to recognize all the hard work and cleanup efforts performed by the KFWB volunteers, not only during Cowtown Cleanup, but all year long. Volunteers will be treated to food and drinks, live music and entertainment, exhibitor promotions, animal adoptions, and the annual Trashion Fashion Show.


Reduce, Reuse, Refashion!
Create runway-ready looks for the Trashion Fashion Show! All submissions must be made from at least 50% trash or recyclable items. All participants will be invited to show off their works on stage at the Earth Party Celebration. Prizes will be awarded to selected winners. For full Trashion Fashion rules, visit

Become an Earth Party Exhibitor.
If you are an organization with environmental interests that would like to be an exhibitor at the Earth Party Celebration, email

For the latest promotional information about Cowtown Great American Cleanup and Earth Party Celebration, visit