Thank you for printing the letters “Art: Still Not Porn,” “Blue Balls,” and “Wanna Step Outside, Buddy?” They each inspired me in different ways. The first made me want to write a letter about the First Amendment to one of our major dailies and sign it, and I did.

The second, “Blue Balls,” was so full of hateful and ignorant rhetoric it made me want to find and read the piece by Ken Wheatcroft-Purdue (“Them Inaugural Blues,” Jan 22). I did. Sorry I had missed it.

I won’t speak for Ken, whom I have known and respected for years, but I was offended by the writer of “Wanna Step Outside, Buddy?” before I realized he is a pathetic, low-information, bile-filled MAGA nut not worth a visit.


Ken, please keep writing, despite the haters. I always enjoy your pieces, and this time you taught me a new phrase I promise to repeat often: First Felon!


Former state representative (1997-2015) Lon Burnam

Fort Worth


This letter reflects the opinions and fact-gathering of the author(s) and only the author(s) and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a letter, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at He will gently edit it for clarity and concision.