A crowd of almost 100 gathered at The Post for Cory Cross & The Burden and Ryker Hall.

After a year’s hiatus, The Post came back with a bang and some twang the other night. In a new location but still. Nearly 100 folks piled into 2736 W 6th Street Thursday for performances by two Fort Worth stalwarts: dancehall studs Cory Cross & The Burden and pop singer-songwriter Ryker Hall. The space isn’t as large as The Post’s former location, on Race Street, but it felt like the old, rowdy Lola’s Saloon in many ways, a good thing.

The new Post locale is part of the same footprint of Birdie’s Social Club, the operation that took over the dearly departed Lola’s Saloon and Trailer Park several years ago. Birdie’s opened its doors to The Post over the past couple of weeks, though both entities are independent. Thursday was The Post’s first night of live music, and Cross and Hall did not disappoint.

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As happy as we are about another spot for live, original music (mostly local, too), we’re also digging the Post’s new drink menu. Cocktails range from $13 to $15 and include the tasty “Man Your Post” (a sort of chocolatey Old Fashioned). The bar opens at 4pm daily, and happy hour includes $3 domestics and $4 wells until 7pm.

Thursday night was “great,” said Post owner and booking agent Brooks Kendall Jr. “The positive energy coming from the local scene has been amazing.”