“What happened?” My comments are in regard to the esoteric article “Them Inaugural Blues” written by Mr. Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue published in the January 22-28 edition of the Fort Worth Weekly.

Dear Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue, simply put, referencing your champion, Obama, “You lost!” It’s just that simple, and it was not by the “smallest of margins.” The Electoral College was 312 for Trump and 226 for V.P. Harris. The question of why you lost and the why you feel so blue can be explained very easily.

First, the majority of American voters didn’t buy into the feel-good rhetoric espoused by Vice President Harris, nor did they believe that she and her cronies could manage anything more than a kitchen recipe. Your reference to Jimmy Carter is a perfect correlation of today with past events caused by Mr. Carter and his administration. Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris managed to hurt the pocketbook of the American voter in less than four years, which is the ultimate political sin, and both candidates — Carter then and Harris now — demonstrated during their terms in office that they had extremely poor managerial acumen with nationwide crises that impact the American voter.

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Your buddy Mr. Carter handled the energy crisis poorly and led the country into the highest inflation rate since the 1890s. Today, under the Biden/Harris administration, the impact of inflation over the past four years has seen everyday prices of household goods increase in the range from 18% to 23% since 2021. Just like Carter in 1980, Mrs. Harris lost at the ballot box because the American voter was the one feeling the blue prior to the November 5 election. They feared another four years of the same rambling and draining of their wallet would be intolerable.

So, what does that tell us about you, Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue? Well, you keep choosing the same. You choose losers! Choosing losers would make me feel blue, too, but in my case, along with the majority of Americans, I don’t feel blue. Not one iota! I feel relieved and encouraged because I chose a winner, and he is doing his best to weed out all of the losers you so appreciate and admire.

By the way, those losers you are talking about scammed you and everybody else in your circle since Obama came into office. They are the ones who have gotten fat and rich these past four years while every other warm-blooded, hard-working American had to endure the pain and suffering of stupid policies of printing money, conformity, and compliance issues. Sounds kind of like the communist communes of the U.S.S.R. and China. It has been reported that $1.5 billion was given to the Harris campaign to get her elected. Where did that money come from and how was it spent? You need to do some soul searching on that fact and start asking questions within your own circle of delusional fanatics. You got scammed!

Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue, you talk of the rich, the very rich, like you are part of their inner circle. You claim to know that these rich individuals don’t pay their fair share of taxes and they are all white supremacists, but when the progressive rich spend $1.5 billion on one candidate, one election, that seems to be OK just to get your loser into office. The question you should be asking is: “Do they pay their fair share in taxes?” So, this leads me to ask you: “Are you willing to say that the IRS, the most feared taxing agency in the known world, is not doing their job and allowing these rich individuals a way not to pay their taxes?” If this is what you are saying, and you claim to know someone who is not paying their fair share of taxes, then name names and send them to the IRS. Let them do their job, but if you don’t know of anyone who is avoiding paying their fair share of tax, then I would recommend you say so and refrain from making such boisterous and felonious claims, because making false statements and false claims have disastrous outcomes, and we wouldn’t want a progressive like you to lose one’s credibility, would we?

Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue, where were you during the campaign season? Did you espouse such progressive rhetoric publicly, as you do in your article regarding the problems as you see within American society? If so, how much support did you receive? By the looks of it, not much, I gather. Could this be the root cause of your depressed feelings because rejection leaves wicked barbs in people like yourself.

Here is what I recommend, Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue. Instead of rehashing delusional facts and espousing hatred in your writings, why don’t you be constructive and write down your solutions for governance? This way, people can have a respectful debate of your ideas. By the way, that’s what the founding fathers did in writing the Federalist Papers. No one back then had all the answers, but they put them out in the public for people to discuss, comment, accept or reject, which ultimately led to a limited form of government, where the debate of issues could be handled in a workable forum in the states and in Congress.

What I see from this election is that the American people rejected the victimization of delusional griping people, such as yourself. They got tired of the bureaucratic clowns Mrs. Harris surrounded herself with and wanted to hear real solutions to real problems. So, as you gather your like-minded progressive members, stop the griping and show us what you’re really made of. That’s what Lenin and Mao Zedong did before they put two of the largest societies of the world under a depressed diabolical system of governance. Let’s see what you have to say, and stop being a loser. Get with it! Show us how the linear approach can make everybody the same. Isn’t that what you really want? The Utopian Dream to end all misery?

In closing, when you, Mr. Wheatcroft-Pardue, call President Trump a “Nazi,” please know that “Nazi” is the abbreviated name for the “National Socialist Workers Party of Germany,” and Donald J. Trump is definitely not a socialist.

I hope this response has helped you come out of your “Inaugural Blues” and spurs you from being a loser to becoming a winner. If not, then you can just sit in your hole, be blue, and pout.


William R. Howell, Sr.

Fort Worth


This letter reflects the opinions and fact-gathering of the author(s) and only the author(s) and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a letter, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at He will gently edit it for clarity and concision.




Wanna Step Outside, Buddy?

I’m writing you in response to the column, “Them Inaugural Blues,” written by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue. I usually don’t take the time to write about an opposing view I read, but this column is total nonsense. This writer is nothing more than a crazed left-wing ideologue with a bug up his ass because a record number of Americans voted against his ideology that has taken this country into a dark, dangerous place for four years, where hard-working Americans couldn’t afford groceries, gas, or everyday living expenses.

We’ve also been shamed into this DEI environment of numerous genders and accepting boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms and the low expectations that minorities can’t figure out how to acquire a driver license to be able to vote. Well, I’ve got news for Mr. Ken. Americans voted, and there’s a new sheriff in town. We’re done with crazy, and the adults are back in charge. But guys with a laptop type out columns like this drivel about racism, paying your fair share, overturning the Constitution, blah blah blah, to scare people. I hope this is the longest 8-12 years of Republican reign of Ken’s existence. I’m available to visit with him should he be offended.


Jim Nowell

Fort Worth


This letter reflects the opinions and fact-gathering of the author(s) and only the author(s) and not the Fort Worth Weekly. To submit a letter, please email Editor Anthony Mariani at He will gently edit it for clarity and concision.



  1. More than anything else I just feel great pity when I read poorly written, fact-free attacks like these on my writing. These gentlemen are under the delusion from their media sources that people on the left are some sort of snowflakes who are easily offended or intimidated. Mr. Howell wants to continually label me a loser. Mr. Nowell wants me to know he’s available to visit with me and probably not in a friendly way. Listen, gentlemen, I was a high school teacher for more than two decades, so I was cussed out in any number of languages. You don’t offend me, and you sure as hell don’t scare me. I didn’t quit then, and I’m not going to quit now. Our country and our constitution are in great jeopardy. You gentlemen represent the plurality, not the majority, who voted for a D-list celebrity who only played a successful businessman on “reality” TV. In other words, you are just easy marks for the con man who will distract you with threats to invade hither and yon or bs about trans athletes, while he picks your pocket by monetizing the office of the presidency. I’d say wake up, but it’s 2025. If you’re still buying Trump’s bull, you must actively want to be hoodwinked.