Dear DFW Residents,

I am writing to you with a heavy heart and a deep sense of urgency. I recently learned about the challenging journey my husband, Stewart “Dave” Greenlee, is facing. I am reaching out to you in the hope that you might consider a truly extraordinary act of kindness.

My husband needs your kidney.


Dave is a loving father of two wonderful children and a six-year-old grandson. Dave’s unwavering dedication to his family is truly inspiring. Unfortunately, he is currently grappling with a severe health crisis that requires a living kidney transplant to save his life. The doctors have informed us that finding a suitable donor match is critical, and time is of the essence.

In moments like these, the power of community and compassion shines brightest. It is with the utmost sincerity that I ask you to consider the possibility of donating a kidney to Stewart (Dave). Your selfless act could mean the difference between a future filled with joy, laughter, and precious family moments or continued struggle, uncertainty, and an early death.

I understand that such a decision is incredibly personal and comes with its own set of challenges. The magnitude of this request is not lost on me, but I firmly believe that the kindness within the human spirit can move mountains. If you have any questions or concerns, please know that dedicated medical professionals and support networks are ready to provide information and guidance every step of the way. All labs, tests, and surgeries are covered by my husband’s insurance. Travel expenses and salary compensation are available.

Neither our sons nor myself are eligible to donate our kidneys to Dave.

Your potential gift of life would not only impact Dave but also resonate profoundly throughout his family and friends. It would be a testament to the incredible strength of the human bond and the capacity for kindness that exists within each of us.

If you are open to exploring this possibility or even if you need more information before making a decision, please do not hesitate to use the links below. Your consideration of this request means more than words can express, and any effort you make in support of Dave is genuinely appreciated.

The second best gift you can give my husband is to spread the word to everyone you know. It is not uncommon for people to forget this letter after they’ve read it, but what we need is for more people to spread the word.

Thank you for taking the time to read this heartfelt plea. I trust that whatever decision you make will be the right one for you, and I am grateful for your compassionate spirit.


To read more about Dave:

To read more about being a donor:


With sincere gratitude,

Debbie Greenlee

Arlington, Texas