Photo courtesy of Sundance Square.

When: Saturday, September 21, 2024

Time: Noon to 8 pm

Place: Sundance Square Plaza, Downtown Fort Worth


Free: No admission cost / Family Friendly


The public is invited from Noon to 8 pm on Saturday, September 21st, for the second annual Sundance Square Car & Culture Show. The event kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month with a vibrant showcase of lowriders and Latin culture! The event is family friendly and there is no admission cost.

This year’s show is hosted by the legendary Duke’s Car Club and will showcase more than 100 lowriders, motorcycles, and bicycles displayed throughout Sundance Square Plaza and surrounding streets. Founded in 1962, Duke’s is the oldest continuous operating lowrider club in the world and will be judging for the Best of Show, Best Motorcycle, Best Bicycle, and Top 20 awards.

Complementing the car show activities there will be live music, folklorico and mariachi performances, along with local food and market vendors. Additionally, attendees can explore local, regional, and international art exhibitions at Caravan of Dreams, Zona 7, and 400h galleries on Houston Street.

Mark your calendar for this festive celebration of Hispanic artistry and community!

Show presenters are Sundance Square, Duke’s Car Club and Sarah Ayala. Community supporter is Visit Fort Worth.

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