
Maybe you’re an artist who has hit the dreaded creative block and can’t seem to find the drive or inspiration to bring any new ideas to life. Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t think of themselves as being creative at all; you’re convinced this is a quality that only certain lucky individuals are born with and wish you were that lucky. Maybe you used to be highly imaginative when you were younger but got sidetracked by life’s ebbs and flows, and now you regret not devoting more time and attention to cultivating your God-given talents.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum, there’s one thing all these maybes have in common: the desire to find the creative spark. The trouble with finding and keeping your creativity alive is that the world we live in is not exactly conducive to creativity and inventiveness. Quite the opposite, we live in a day and age where the daily demands and realities of life force us to be pragmatic and rational and look at things from a more practical perspective. Not that there’s anything wrong with being pragmatic; it’s certainly a necessary quality that can help one navigate complex challenges and reach their objectives. But so is creativity.

Contrary to common belief, creativity is not about chasing unicorns or engaging in pursuits without real-world value. It’s about having the ability to use your skills and imagination to generate new and original ideas and do things differently. It follows that being imaginative and being pragmatic are, in fact, complementary traits that reinforce each other. Therefore, exploring and developing your creative side can provide numerous benefits, no matter where your personal and professional interests may lie.

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The good news is that creativity is an intrinsic quality that all human beings possess in different doses. This means that even if your creativity-well seems to be running dry, there are ways to fill it up and keep it flowing, and we’re going to explore some of them hereunder.


Ditching the Daily Rut

While developing a routine can help you become more disciplined and productive, if things get too monotonous and you no longer do anything outside of your usual schedule, you risk blocking your creative flow. You can’t expect to push forward if you’re stuck in a rut. It’s like repeating the same things and hoping for a different outcome.

If you want to put your creative wheels into motion, you need to deliberately introduce novelty into your life and do things differently from time to time. Embracing change can take many forms, from making small changes like redecorating your house, updating your wardrobe, or going on vacation for a change of scenery to more impactful decisions like changing your job or living situation.

But the most important thing is to stay actively curious and keep an open mind because inspiration is all around us. You just have to lift your eyes and soak it up. So, go out there and live: meet new people with different ideas and perspectives than yours, engage in creative activities, take up a new hobby or learn new skills. Anything that gets you out of your comfort zone and exposes you to new and diverse experiences can be a creativity booster.


Creating a Stimulating Environment

Your environment shapes your life. The things and people you surround yourself with have a huge influence on the way you feel, think and act in different circumstances and how you relate to the world in general. This correlation is especially noticeable in work-related dynamics, where studies have shown that employees’ job satisfaction and productivity levels are highly impacted by their work environment and the company’s culture.

Therefore, if you want to awaken your creativity, you need to be in a setting that encourages and fosters innovation and inspiration. This starts with creating a living space that feels welcoming and comfortable and sparks your imagination.

From layout to lighting and everything in between, the elements that make up your home’s design have the ability to affect your mood and mindset. So, make sure you integrate colors, furnishings, materials and decorations that can create the desired ambience. And since no space is complete without art, look for meaningful pieces that resonate with you and use them to add depth and interest to your rooms. You can find art for sale at reasonable prices, so you don’t have to break the bank to achieve great results. Also, don’t forget to declutter and keep your home clean and tidy.


Rest and Reset Your Mind and Body

Unfortunately, stress is an inescapable reality, and you can’t always stay calm and happy when everyday responsibilities and issues start knocking at your door. When stress levels get too high, and you have too many thoughts and ideas fighting for mental space, there’s not much room left for creativity to flourish. So, you have to learn how to manage it.

Prioritizing self-care is the best way to reduce the noise in your head and recharge your batteries. Know when to step back from your usual tasks and give yourself time to breathe and relax. Stress-relieving activities like working out, practicing yoga and meditation, going for walks in nature, or dancing can also help. But sometimes, doing nothing is the answer. You need to allow yourself to be bored and let your mind wander freely. With a well-rested mind and body, creativity will find its way into your life.

Finally, you need to be aware that you can’t control everything around you or change things, including creativity or the lack thereof. But the one thing you can change is your perspective. When something doesn’t go your way, try to look at it from a different angle. This will help you maintain a positive attitude and ensure your creative spirit thrives.