Photo by Elaine Wilder



The marquee at Arlington Baptist Church on South Collins Street claims that comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler is what led to the recent assassination attempt against the adjudicated rapist and current GOP presidential candidate.


Police have not determined a motive for the attack by the 20-year-old gunman, a registered Republican.

He killed one person and injured two others.

As a 501(c)(3)/nonprofit organization (founded in 1999 and tax exempt since Aug 2022), Arlington Baptist Church appears to be violating the law that prohibits “the publishing or distributing of statements … on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”

Comparing the twice-impeached former president to the German ruler stretches believability but is not without precedent. Republican vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance once called Trump “America’s Hitler” (and also a “reprehensible” “idiot”), and Trump himself parroted Nazi lingo by calling for a “unified reich,” referring to political opponents as “vermin,” and claiming immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the United States while also saying the man who ordered the extermination of 6 million Jews and 5 million prisoners of war “did some good things.”

If Trump wins the White House, he also plans to round up millions of Latinos in mass detention camps, saying he intends to deport more Mexicans and Mexican Americans than President Dwight Eisenhower did in 1954. As part of Ike’s “Operation Wetback,” U.S. authorities forcefully rounded up 1.3 million Mexican immigrants, some of whom had been naturalized, and, after packing them into trucks, transported them to remote locations south of the border, often without food or water. Nearly 100 Mexicans and Mexican Americans died unnecessarily.

Adolf Hitler also began his campaign of inhumanity by rounding up perceived enemies, in his case Roma and Sinti people, Blacks, Slavs, the disabled, and gays along with Jews.



  1. Our problem isn’t with what this pastor asserts. Fact: the mainstream media did compare Trump to Hitler. Fact: the mainstream media wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the butt. Fact: Contrary to the mainstream media lies, the First Ammendment protects free speech, and freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Truth is on this pastor’s side. I’m not a member of his church, but I know I will see him in heaven. I also know where liars go and I won’t see them.

  2. You are the one believing a lie here. It’s not against the law to have an opinion. Look it up but make sure you go to the right sources since the liberal search engines are so biased to make sure left leaning “fact check” sites pop up on the algorithms at the top. Until your eyes and heart are opened to God and the Holy Spirit takes your blindness away that the devil has people under who are not believers in His Son, you won’t see and will be blinded. I’m not just a crazy, radical right winger who believes in the spaghetti monster. Keep believing these lies and you will continue being used and played by the devil and I don’t want that for you. I pray that you seek Gods heart and accept him into your life. He loves you so much. There is no greater joy than having your eyes and heart opened to see the truth. Satan is the father of lies. If you are not being guided by God, then you are open to the devils lies and he will continue to prey on you and use you. He hates all of Gods creation. I pray you receive this in a spirit of love. Thank you for listening.

  3. This a the most sorriest journalist and democrat extremist left wing person who writes nonsense . Please delete this weekly post