In a conservative city in a conservative state, not all area churches welcome the LGBT community. Second only to the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, the largest area church with such outreach is Celebration Community Church (908 Pennsylvania Av, Fort Worth 817-335-3222), led by Jorene Taylor Swift. Yes, you read that correctly. (Fabulous coincidence, right?)
Paster Jorene, as she’s known, thinks of Celebration as a church for all people. “Our congregation is made up of people from many different faith traditions, and our worship style has aspects of those backgrounds,” she says. “We offer tradition without judgment.
One of their newest members describes their experience at their new church home as just that…home. “I grew up in a wonderful church. When I walked into Celebration the first time, I knew I was at home.”
Jorene says her prayer is that each person who enters our doors will sense the “extravagant hospitality” that is offered here and that they will know they have indeed found a home — a family of faith.
Celebration is a vibrant part of the LGBTQ+ community in North Texas. In addition to participating in groups that support and encourage people, they also provide food for children with weekend food insecurity, participate in the Tarrant County Justice Network, and are a distribution site for Meals on Wheels. The calling is simple: Let the light of God’s love shine through all they do and say.
Whether you are traveling to Fort Worth for Trinity Pride Fest or live in the area and are just seeking a welcoming church to visit, consider stopping in. Jorene and her congregation extend an on-going invitation to visit with them. “We want you to know that we will always save a seat for you.”Join them for services on Sundays at 10am. If you cannot attend in person but want to check out a nonjudgmental, inclusive church, all services can also be viewed on YouTube (@ CelebrationCommunityChurch130).

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