With the eclipse behind us, and other spring happenings on the horizon, our thoughts will soon turn to pool season and summer fun. While it’s still too cold to dive in, you know it won’t be long! It’s never too soon to start planning your spring and summer adventures. The Weekly is here to help. This quarter we have several special editions for your reading pleasure. Click on the links to the right of the titles to check out last year’s version of each.


The Weekly Special Dates for Q2

April 17: Earth Day 420

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May 1 & 8: Cinco de Madre

(celebrating Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day)

May 22: Summer Edition 2024*

June 5: Dads & Grads

June 12: Pride Month Edition

June 12: Juneteenth

June 26 & July 3: Independence Day

July 31: Creature Comforts 2024**


*Yes. It’s almost time for SUMMER EDITION 2024!

 May is when our annual coffee-table-styled guide to everything summertime is published. This piece will hit the stands on Wed, May 22, the week before Memorial Day Weekend, and will be kept by our readers as a reference throughout the season for where to dine, imbibe, and hunt for warm-weather fun.


**It’s also time to think about CREATURE COMFORTS 2024!

 On the last week of July, ahead of National Dog Month in August, we publish our annual animal-friendly reference to all things furry and scaly in our Creature Comforts edition. From animal resources to zoo happenings, this cover-to-cover special edition covers it all.

If our readers wear out their print copies of Summer Edition and Creature Comforts — we know that they will — never fear. Both live on in our magazine drop-down for a full year! That means you can check them out there too. 😉


Have a special event coming up?

Along with the special dates above, each week, we highlight one event for each day of the week in Night & Day and feature food and booze events in Ate Day8 a Week. Do you have any events or offers coming up that we need to know about? Please email for consideration.


Want to reserve space?

usiness owners, we know how difficult it can be to decide how to best promote your business. Along with comprehensive weekly coverage, each year we provide our readers with seasonal guides, special editions and sections with space available in print and online. Our final deadlines are Tuesdays for all the sections and issues above. If you’re interested in reserving space, please contact your FWW representative ASAP or click here.