Welcome to Best of 2023

Thank you, dear readers, for picking up or surfing to our 27th annual Best Of issue. We hope you find it useful not just this week or next but throughout the year. We here at the Weekly put a lot of effort into researching and writing the blurbs, selling the ads, and counting the ballots. Everyone on the team deserves props, but I’d like to give a little extra something to Marketing Director Jennifer Bovee for counting every vote, verifying all the winners, and doing 10 million other things and to Art Director Ryan Burger for designing the book and creating the kickass cover art.

The point of Best Of is not to be comprehensive. While our critics know a lot, they don’t know everything, every place, or everyone — that’s why we also let our readers pick their faves. What we’re trying to do here is celebrate all the wonderful stuff that our little big town has to offer, and I think we’ve done a damn good job. As usual. Enjoy. — Anthony Mariani, Editor
To see who won awards in Best Of 2023, start with the Getting & Spending categories here.


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