Cats and dogs rarely get along, but Simone Nicole’s corgi and two felines are convivial roommates. Her “kitties” Bella (10) and Marble (4) pass their nine lives window-gazing and napping. Marble is an expert bug catcher while Bella enjoys exploring and being Nicole’s songwriting muse. Rosie, a corgi/cattle dog mix, can pull off a pretty convincing wolf howl when she’s in the mood. You can often catch the short-legged pooch sharing the stage with her owner.
Some local personalities decided to share pics of their pets with us, and we hopped at the chance to publish them because if there’s one thing irl or on the internet that nobody can get enough of, it’s pet pics. Send more!
When he isn’t crafting rhymes, rapper Wrex chills with Raven. His 6-year-old feline digs a good hunt (usually backyard birds and insects), cuddling with her owner, and belly rubs.The pandemic was time of isolation, and many folks filled that void by adopting pets. That’s how singer-songwriter Summer Dean fell in love with Beans. He’s a bit of a stinker, she said. His favorite game is catching critters with his feral pal Toots and releasing the unwanted varmints in Dean’s house!Bearded Lady owner Shannon Osbakken and daughter Jameson are living the #puglife. The duo adopted Apple five years ago and recently added Fiona to the family. Apple’s favorite pastimes are eating and snoring while Fiona is a big-time cuddler.Restaurateur Sara Castillo’s fur baby, Lucy Belle Castillo, is a spry 9-year-old who’s crazy about playing fetch, chasing tennis balls, and chomping down on bacon from Taco Heads. The affable pooch, Mama Castillo said, is not a fan of squirrels or cats.Funky Picnic Brewery & Cafe co-owner Samantha Joe Glenn adopted Taco 11 years ago. Her lovable abandoned mutt tags along with Glenn on hiking trips. Taco, part Blue Heeler and Husky, is also wild about visiting breweries.Can dogs play piano? Katie Robertson is going to find out. Her talented collie/German shepherd mix enjoys long walks and chilling in front of the TV with her singer-songwriter owner. Let’s wish Dova luck with her newest musical undertaking.Midge’s favorite thing is walking Magnolia, and her favorite break spot is the Chat Room Pub, said dad Kevin Aldridge. She basically grew up in that bar, the singer-songwriter added, and is something of a local celebrity among Chat Rats.Weekly Editor Anthony Mariani loves going on long bike rides with his year-old mini Aussie. Comet, a.k.a. Comety Gals, a.k.a. Baby Sweets, a.k.a. Baby Presh, always rides high in Daddy’s Puppy Pack Daydream.