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Those in the business of running a fleet of vehicles have three main things to concentrate on: customers, personnel, and vehicles. We’re going to focus on the last component in this article as we explore some tips on choosing the right fleet for your business and how doing so can ultimately increase your productivity and save you money.


Research Your Subject

Fortunately, the research on finding the right fleet vehicles is much easier now, thanks to the internet and the like-minded people who use it and have already thought about what you’re thinking about. Depending on your experience level in this field, you may or may not know exactly what you want, but there is always something to learn, so it’s best to review a guide online. This will help you determine what’s most important to you so you can maximize your productivity and performance.

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Get Specific About Cost Reductions

While a general internet search will produce the most hits, if it’s a certain type of economy you’re most interested in, get specific about it. The best fuel economy truck will bring fewer hits, but they will address the subject from that specific angle. Similarly, if it’s the initial cost you’re concerned about, you could try cheapest trucks or best value trucks and see what the search comes back with. Being specific will save you time and make sure you’re getting exactly what you need.


Consider EVs

The day is coming when it won’t just be an option to have a fleet full of electric vehicles. Fossil fuel-powered trucks are on the way out, and this could be the time to make the leap into the EV world. In addition to saving money on gas, think of the marketing potential of being the first fleet in your area to go completely electric. The media love this sort of thing, so you could be all over the local papers, radio, and TV. You could be the EV pioneer doing their bit for the planet. Free advertising, in other words, and from a practical point of view, EVs are developing all the time in terms of battery efficiency and the distance you can travel on a single charge.


Combine Loads

You’re probably giving some thought to this already, but if you put it higher up on your agenda, combining loads can result in fewer trips and, eventually, maybe fewer vehicles. Imagine if you could serve your customers just as efficiently with one less vehicle. One less fuel bill, one less servicing bill, and one less vehicle to tax. You could also cut down on the number of drivers you need to hire, which comes with a whole host of different cost savings. Imagine what that could do when it comes to reducing your monthly expenses.

Get Fleet Management Software

Have a look at what is available in the fleet management software market and find out how it could help you. As a fleet manager, you have enough on your plate without having to look up when each vehicle is due to be checked over by an engineer. The software can keep track of that and keep you up to date with the fuel consumption of each motor you have on the road. It can tell you where each one is right now, what route it took to get there, and how long the driver has been at the wheel.

Want to know when a specific driver took their last break? The software will tell you. You’ll still be the one with the big picture and the feel for your business, but this specialized software gives you a virtual geek who knows all the details. They don’t take days off, have vacations, come in with a hangover, or make mistakes. All these benefits can help to save you a substantial amount of money each month. As an added bonus, additional software can help improve the customer onboarding experience, so having already implemented fleet management solutions can help to blaze that trail for your business expansion over time.