There are many, many gift options to consider. We know. As long as you spoil your Dads and Grads this month with locally-sourced gift items, no one will hassle you. #ImSailing
Beer (Duh)
Fort Brewery (2737 Tillar St, Fort Worth, 817-923-8000) has a great promotion this weekend. Buy one six-pack of beer for your dad and get the second one for a penny. Shop online at

Cigars (Smoke ‘Em if You’ve Got ‘Em)
Gift Certificates to Underground Cigars (6409 E Lancaster Av, Fort Worth, 817-507-3640) is a great way to move yourself higher up the will list. While you’re there, sit a spell and enjoy the inside cigar lounge and outside patio. Ask for owner Don Wiggins and see if he’s still offering that bounty to meet Bill Murray. Can you say obsession? Check out the shop at

DVDs from Movie Trading Company
With nine locations in the North Texas area, Movie Trading Co is a great place to find that perfect Bill Murray film for your father or the newly graduated future film maker in your like. (Who loves you, Don?) Check out the inventory at

Pancakes (Have Some or Make Some)
You’ve really got three choices here. You can take your people to Ol’ South Pancake House in Fort Worth (1509 S University Dr, 817-336-0311) or Burleson (225 E Renfro St, 817-989-9090) for a nice meal, buy them a gift card for future enjoyment, or get a gift box of items to create the experience at home. I’m not sure we’d tackle German Pancakes in my own kitchens, but oh they are yummy. Shop online at