Monday, March 10, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2022


Hittin’ the Fort: Sugarman’s

Honk for Jesus: The Pastor’s Wife

The latest film about the Black church is the mockumentary comedy Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. It’s by no means the best; The...

Top Four Unflavored Whey Protein Powders for Smoothies

Protein is the most essential building block of muscle tissue in your body, besides its numerous other roles and benefits. Ideally, your body gets the...

Prey: Thunderbird

Hallelujah, praise the Lord! At long last, somebody did something creative with the Predator series! It took only 35 years after the release of the...

Night & Day 8-31 // Montopolis on Sunday & More

Thursday September 1, 2022 With dove season officially opening today in Texas — more on that at bit.ly/DoveSeason22 — my thoughts turn to beloved local band...

Looking for a Weekend Getaway? Consider Comanche.

When you have the opportunity to stay in a 3,000-square-foot Airbnb, you say yes, especially if a student of Frank Lloyd Wright designed it....

ATE DAY8 a Week // Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day is pretty self-explanatory. On the first Monday in September, we celebrate the American worker by not working. How will you spend your...

Drawn Together

Saturday’s opening will be as much a surprise party/family reunion as a retrospective. The featured artist has not been told that his paintings, drawings,...

Housekeys Comes Home

Living without regret is a theme for Tiffany Costello. It’s a constant drive that’s inspired her to move to several different (and culturally exciting)...


Cidercade Fort Worth, 1813 W Bowie St, FW. 682-707-5491. 10am-10pm Sun, 10am-12am Mon-Thu, 10am-1am Fri-Sat. It started in early 2021 with Smokestack 1948. The cocktail...