I have a longtime friend named “Rip.” It’s not short for “Riptide.” He’s a musician, and so is “Seal,” which is not the same word as “Seals.” I don’t know anyone whose parents named them “Warriors” or “Wings” or “Mammoth,” although surely a nose guard has gone by the latter at some point in the evolution of football.

In the franchise’s first five games, Panther City Lacrosse Club has played teams that use the above monikers for their nicknames, and my convoluted point here is that teams don’t give themselves people’s first names. Or at least they shouldn’t. Which brings us to this weekend’s game and my video interview subject Will Malcom.

Malcom, who just turned 22 last month, has given PCLC fans reasons to believe he might become part of this first-year team’s future. He’s registered multiple points in each of the four games in which he’s played.  In his most recent outing, the forward’s two goals and three assists against the New York Riptide helped the team collect its first win.


Malcom’s squad plays its next game in Saskatchewan on Saturday, and a win would pull them a full game ahead of the Rush in the West Division standings.

That’s right, I said the “Rush.” They used my name for their team – without asking, I should note.

I figured Will was the right person with whom to discuss this. He’s from British Columbia and there could occasionally be a bit of a Western Canada rivalry with the province just on the other side of Alberta, at least in some sports. And even though he doesn’t have a single penalty minute this season, I came away from the conversation thinking he might be just the guy to stir things up on my behalf.

And maybe make the next team think twice before they just up and name themselves the Hank or the Aloysius or the Takisha.

ESPN+ will show Saturday’s game live from Saskatoon at 7:30pm CST. PCLC also plays the Rush at home in Dickies Arena on March 5th and April 30th.