Courtesy Phantomelo

With the exception of the big Joshua Ray Walker’s show at Lola’s Trailer Park which we wrote about last week, I don’t see a lot of serious party shows for Wednesday, a.k.a. Thanksgiving Eve, a.k.a. the Serious Party-Night Kickoff to the Holidays. I guess that’s because even musicians want to just kick back and reconnect with old friends in from out of town or are traveling back home. At the time you’re reading this, I’m back home myself up north, Pittsburgh specifically, where there’s, like, zero local music scene. Aside from a few punk acts and that rapper who was famous for a minute back when — Whiz Kalifa or something? — Pittsburgh, like pretty much every other flyover city in this country, seems to be completely bereft of a progressive independent music scene. At least it was that way when I lived there and last time I visited, about two years ago. Maybe things have changed. Maybe they haven’t. What I guess I’m trying to say is that I’ll be missing live Fort Worth tuneage on my working vacation back home. Good thing I got one of my buddies hooked on Flickerstick — I’ll be hearing a lot of them in the ’burgh. Siri, play “Girls and Pills.” Again.

So when, exactly, is the reunion tour? Brandin, call me, brah. — Anthony Mariani


Phantomelo at Tulips Saturday
GenerAC 300X250

While I don’t see any serious party-tastic shows for Thanksgiving Eve, I do see some killer weekend outings, starting Saturday at Tulips FTW (112 St. Louis Av, 817-367-9798) with Phantomelo, Cotinga, and Ayden Trammell. Never heard of the band in the middle, but Phantomelo’s groovy disco-rock will get you moving, and Ayden Trammell is one of the best moody-rock singer-songwriters in all of North Texas. True to Tulips’ Five & Dime theme, tickets are $5 at the door or Prekindle. — A.M.


Courtesy Facebook
Jaybirds Saturday at MASS

Great lineup Saturday at MASS (1002 S Main St, 682-707-7774). Jaybirds, Heart of the City, Dead Heirs and Brandon Callies will hit the stage starting at 7pm. Tickets are $7 in advance, $10 at the door. It’s 18 and up.


Courtesy Western Soul Photography
Sam Anderson Sunday at the Trailer Park

I’ve been covering local music off and on since 2002, and I can heartily say that the Quaker City Night Hawks are in my Top 5 Fort Worth bands of all time. Not sure who Nos. 1-5 are exactly — Burning Hotels are up there, same with Goodwin, and you can’t forget about Calhoun and John Price, or Sonic Buffalo, Tame … Tame & Quiet, Son of Stan, and Squanto, or … the list goes on — but Quaker City is exceptional in that they’re blues-based and heavily Southern-tinged. This would not seem exceptional except that I’m from up north. As “Southern” as we got was ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd, which were definitely not bad points of departure and — and — which inform Quaker City’s mud-and-honey sound that we need more of around here.

Thankfully, Lola’s Trailer Park (2735 W 5th St, 817-759-9100) is here to help by offering up a heaping helping of Quaker City co-frontman Sam Anderson (right) and His House Band 7pm Sunday. You know it’s gonna be #tyte. No cover, and sweet angel  will be doling out goodies in addition. There may or may not be some queso blanco. — A.M.


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