Marissa McCreary, of Weatherford, hoists steins over to waiting customers.

Dirndls, drinks, and dachshunds abounded at the seventh annual Oktoberfest Fort Worth. The festival at Panther Island Pavilion began Thursday and ran until last night.

Yesterday afternoon, the dachshund parade and following race drew hundreds of spectators. This adorable event involved dachshund owners dressing up their pooches and parading them around. And racing them.

Winnifed, of Fort Worth, garnered the most applause and won the parade. Owner Emily Young had dressed Winni in an eye-catching mermaid costume.


Im obsessed with dachshunds,” Young said, beaming.

Many attendants of Oktoberfest dressed in traditional German garb or Halloween versions.

Cullen Ricks, of Houston, sported genuine German lederhosen. His wife Vanessa Ricks is German. The pair said they travel the state attending different Oktoberfest celebrations.

Elsewhere on the grounds, folks enjoyed fair rides, accordion-filled music, and hearty German fare like pretzels and bratwurst.

And, of course, German beers from several different stations were available.

I like drinking in the day!” said Fort Worth’s Milo Deleon.

He and pal Jonathan Beltran, of Crowley, wore matching lederhosen they bought on Amazon.

Plus, if ever theres a time to dress up, this is it,” Beltran added.

Proceeds from the event benefit the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD). Funds specifically support yearlong recreation at Trinity River and programming at Panther Island Pavilion. Shanna Cate, director of programming at TRWD, did not have the numbers yet but called attendance this year record-breaking.”