Oktoberfest at Dirty Job Brewery has a snack option Sat. Courtesy Facebook

1.) This weekend is just the beginning at Oak Highlands Brewery (10484 Brockwood Rd, Dallas, 469-802-9455). This year, OHB hosts three Oktoberfest Parties: this Saturday, next Sat, Sep 25, and Fri, Oct 1. Besides beer, food, live music, and the crowning of Miss Oktoberfest, enjoy games like chug runs, hammerschlagen (hammering a nail into a stump), and a stein-holding contest. (The parties are free to attend. Just bring your beer money.) On Friday, the festivities kick off with the Oktoberfest Four-Course Dinner, featuring German food prepared by OHB partners Cedar Creek Brewhouse & Eatery (@CedarCreekBrewhouseMS). Tickets are $50 per person on


2.) From 11am to 9pm Saturday in the taproom, 903 Brewers (1718 S Elm St, Sherman, 214-243-8090) celebrates Oktoberfest with drink specials, collectible steins, live music, stein-holding contests, and a prize for the best costume. With your Saturday already stacked — see: above and below — you might wait and visit 11am-6pm Sun for brunch. New items are added to the brunch menu every week, and there’s live music from noon to 4pm.



3.) From 3pm to 7pm Saturday, check out a downtown on foot at the Downtown Garland Business Association Wine Walk. First, you need to check in at the Landmark Museum (393 N 6th St, 972-205-2996) to pick up your map and collectible wine glass. Then wander — and sip — your way around 12 wine stops on your way to the historic square to hear the Rock-a-Holics playing ’80s cover tunes at 5pm. Tickets are $30 per person at


4.) At 7:30pm Sat, enjoy an open-air theatrical reading of the comedy Tartuffe on the patio at WineHaus (1628 Park Place Av, Fort Worth, 817-887-9101). Before and after the show, plus during intermission, the audience will mingle with the Premiere Cru Theatre actors and join in the toasts. Each time the play’s title is mentioned, a bell will ring, and everyone takes a sip (#DrinkingGames). There is no cost to attend Theatre in the Haus, but the drinks are on you.


5.) Oktoberfest is happening in Fort Worth 5-11pm Thu-Fri, Sep 23-24, and 11am-midnight Sat, Sep 25, at Panther Island Pavilion (395 Purcey St, 817-698-9700), featuring beer, food, games, live music, and a midway. Tickets are $5-15 at and include a free stein while supplies last.


6.) For a full weekend of family-friendly German-themed fun, head to McKinney Oktoberfest in Historic Downtown McKinney (111 N Tennessee St, 972-547-2660). The festival is open 5pm-11pm Fri, Sep 24, 11am-11pm Sat, Sep 25, and noon-5pm Sun, Sep 25. Along with the obligatory glasses of beer for sale — both domestic and imported brands — German food will be available for sale. Enjoy games, live music, the annual Weenie Dog Races, vendors, and more. Admission is free. For more info, go to


7.) From noon to 10pm on Sat, Sep 25, Dirty Jobs Brewing (117 N Main St, Mansfield, 682-518-1791) hosts its Oktoberfest event celebrating its 2021 Oktoberfest marzen release. While there is no cover charge to attend, $20 at the door provides you with your own DJB Oktoberfest mug, two mug fills of brew, and your choice of a hot brat or a large, warm salted pretzel. For entertainment announcements and other info, follow DJB at


8.) Dallas’ original beer festival is back for 2021. On Fri-Sat, Nov 12-13, The Big Texas Beer Fest is happening at the Fair Park Automobile Building (1010 First Av, 214-670-8400), featuring more than 500 beer selections from 110-plus breweries. Tickets are $37-60 at (Note: As this event traditionally sells out in advance, there will be no tickets at the door.)