No, not that Ricky Bobby. Photo courtesy Tribeca Films.

Wednesday October 21

From 9am to 2pm, Fort Worth business owners can claim up to 250 free face masks (in increments of 50) while supplies last at Main Street Visitors Center (508 Main St, 800-433-5747). Read more about mask requirements at

Thursday October 22

Bangkok Chefs Table 300x250

At 7pm, come to a free parking lot screening of the ’90s hit The Addams Family at Funky Picnic Brewery & Cafe (401 Bryan Av, 927-708-2739). Tables are limited, so you might want to bring your camping chair. Food and drinks are available from Funky Picnic or neighboring Black Cat Pizza. The movie starts at 7:30pm.

Friday October 23

You could stay home and watch Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. On the other hand, you could go to Tumbleweeds Bar (1008 NE Loop 820, 817-626-5225) and join local sidekicks Ricky and Bobby for darts, karaoke, pool, and a few drinks. Recently reopened with a food/beverage permit, Tumbleweeds will now be serving tasty treats. Sandwiches behind the bar will be for sale, plus the Ol’ South Food Truck will be parked out front.

Saturday October 24

The Final Countdown –– an alternate-history SF war film from 1980 –– features more than Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen. Three aircraft from the movie have a home right here at the Fort Worth Aviation Museum (3300 Ross, 855-733-8627). At 7pm, watch this movie with other aviation enthusiasts and check out the aircraft under the stars. Bring your blankets, chairs, and snacks. Movie Night tickets are $5 at

Sunday October 25

Back in the day, when our annual Music Awards festival would take over pre-Trailer-Park Lola’s and The Grotto (R.I.P., old friend), we could also be found at the parking lot at Fellowship Church (508 Carroll St, 827-258-6300), which provided free parking for the event. Now your kids can take over that lot for Super Sweet Sunday. From 10am to 2:30pm, Fellowship Kids is hosting its annual trunk-or-treat event after Sunday services. The event is free to attend.

Monday October 26

At 7pm on the fourth Mon of every month, join the Craft Theology conversation led by Tom McDermott of First United Methodist Church at Southside Cellar (125 S Main St, 682-703-2184). It’s a “small-batch, hand-crafted discussion about spirituality and the art of life” where “heretics, skeptics, mystics, the God-curious, [and] none-of-the-above” are welcome.

Tuesday October 27

Speaking of conversations, at 7pm join Justin Frazell of Texas Red Dirt Roads Radio for another installment of Backroads Conversations, featuring singer-songwriter Aaron Watson, at the Amber Room inside Wishbone & Flynt (334 Bryan Av, 817-945-2433). Select appetizers by Chef Stefon Rishel will be available, plus guests will receive two complimentary drinks from the beer/spirit sponsor. Seating is limited. Tickets are $125 at

8 Days a Week

Vote early, y’all! If you are registered to vote in the upcoming general election, you can vote early. Simply go to any polling location in your county of residence and cast a ballot thru Oct 30. To find polling locations, visit