Are you voting? It’d be a whole lot cooler if you did. Courtesy

Wednesday October 7

If the vice presidential debate is anything like the presidential debate, it’s time for a drinking game. Join the Tarrant County Democratic Party at 7pm for a Virtual Pep Rally that includes speakers and trivia, plus short video clips from cheerleading squads, dance and drill teams, drum corps, and marching bands. The event is presented via

Thursday October 8


What’s pho dinner? This creative question will be answered by The Table (120 St Louis Av, Ste 103B, 682-703-1092). At 5pm, join a Virtual Cooking Class via Facebook Live and learn to make pho for a party of four. The ingredient kit is $30 at

Friday October 9

Haltom Theater (5601 E Belknap St, Haltom City, 682-250-5678) already had a small cafe inside the venue, so transitioning to a food and beverage license came easy for them. They have reopened just in time for their second annual Haltom Metal Fest. Fri and Sat at 8pm to closing time, see metal acts like Bull by the Horn, Cutthroat Conspiracy, Novakain, Protest, and more. The cover is $10 per night. Food and drinks are available starting at 5pm. The music room opens at 7pm. Parking is free.

Saturday October 10

Reverend Horton Heat is embarking on its first van tour since 1993. One stop on their Back-to-the-Van Tour is Oscar’s Bar & Grill (1581 SW Wilshire St, Ste 101, Burleson, 817-447-7232). Hear the Rev’s new stripped-down sound at 8pm. The cover is $20.

Sunday October 11

Alright, alright, alright! Voto Latino and March for Science are partnering to present a live table reading of the script from the 1993 Texas-filmed hit movie Dazed and Confused. Most of the cast –– including Texas native Mathew McConaughey –– will be in attendance. This livestreamed event will raise money for Texas’ mail-in voting efforts. Those contributing $25 or more at will be emailed the event’s access link before the film screens at 7:30pm.

Monday October 12

If you are reading this column in Dallas, Happy Indigenous People’s Day. For those of us in other local cities, today is still Columbus Day. In the length of a calendar blurb, we won’t get into all the reasons this is a hot topic. If you are interested in this change being made in your area of town, start by signing Andrew Teeter’s petition on The easiest way to find it is to search for “Indigenous People’s Day in Tarrant County.”

Tuesday October 11

From 6:30 to 9pm, bring your camera to Joe T. Garcia’s (2201 N Commerce St, 817-626-4356) for the Fort Worth Foto Fest: Foto Folklorico, sponsored by Tamron and Fort Worth Camera. Tickets are $50 per person and include dinner with special seating, photo access to and entertainment by Ballet Folklorico Dance Troupe & Mariachi band, and optional Tamron lenses to use with your Canon, Nikon, or Sony cameras at the event.

8 Days a Week

From 10am to 9pm daily thru Oct 18, you can enjoy the State Fair of Texas from Home. The curated virtual events celebrating Texas include new digital and video content and downloadable fair activities for kids, a.k.a. “Little Lone Stars.” Visit