" 'Ruckus Rodeo, 1975–76,' by the New York–based artist Red Grooms, will be presented at the Modern to coincide with the 2020 Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show. Grooms’ immense, walk-through work of art covers 1,237 square feet of gallery space." Courtesy the Modern and the artist

When you think about it, a museum is probably the best place to start wading back into socializing. At a museum, you’re not supposed to touch anything anyway, and unless you’re arriving on opening day of a blockbuster exhibit — which you won’t, because there aren’t any scheduled anywhere — looking at art in a museum or gallery is, by its very nature, predicated on social distancing. Though you may have to stand next to one or two strangers for a moment, you typically back off to wait your turn to view a piece, especially if it’s not on the large size. Fort Worth’s big three art museums are here to reward your stir craziness with great exhibits and keep you safe at the same time.


The first to reopen will be the Amon Carter Museum of American Art (3501 Camp Bowie Blvd, 817-989-5067). After members-only admission begins Jun 16 and goes until Jun 18, the Carter will reopen to the public on Fri, Jun 19. In keeping with guidelines from the state, county, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), capacity will be limited to 50%, and to ensure the galleries and facilities are as clean as possible, the Carter has established “a range of new health and safety procedures,” the museum says, including heavily and frequently sanitizing high-touch surfaces, offering a low- or no-touch visitor experience, requiring staff and visitors to wear face masks (provided at entry), and enforcing social distancing in the galleries, on the grounds, and in the elevators.



Admission is still free, and tickets are not required. If the museum is near capacity, visitors will wait in a socially distanced line outside the main entrance. The library, study room, gift shop, food cart, and bag check will remain closed until further notice.


On view now at the Carter are a few super shows, starting with The Perilous Texas Adventures of Mark Dion, on view through Sun, Jul 5, along with Looking In: Photography from the Outside and Eliot Porter’s Birds. Opening on Sat, Aug 15, Acting Out: Cabinet Cards and the Making of Modern Photography will be up through Sun, Nov 1. Culture Shock: American Artists from Europe, 1913–1953 will remain up through Sep 6, and Justin Favela’s “Puente Nuevo” has been extended through Nov 22.


Free contactless parking is available at the museum’s Camp Bowie lot. For help locating additional parking, consult the Fort Worth Cultural District map.


The next of the big three to open will be the Kimbell Art Museum (3333 Camp Bowie Blvd, 817-332-8451). After members-only previews beginning Thu, Jun 18, the museum will reopen to the public on Sat, Jun 20, with an extended special exhibit. Flesh and Blood: Italian Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum will stay up through July. Among the collection of Renaissance and Baroque works rarely seen outside of Naples, Italy, will be Artemisia Gentileschi’s “Judith Beheading Holofernes,” which was originally scheduled to leave the exhibition early. For the reopening, the Kimbell has installed more than 30 masterpieces from its African, Ancient American, and Asian collections in the Louis I. Kahn Building alongside the always-popular European paintings and sculpture.


As part of the museum’s efforts to provide a clean, safe environment, capacity will be limited to 50% percent, in keeping with state, county, and CDC guidelines, and all visitors (ages 2 and older) and staffers should wear a face mask. The museum will provide masks to visitors without one. Museum staffers will continue sanitizing high-touch locations, and additional hand sanitizing stations will be located through the buildings and at every entrance. Since audio wands will be unavailable, visitors are encouraged to download the Kimbell app and bring headphones to experience audio tours of the permanent collection and special exhibit.


Soft-front baby carriers and strollers are permitted. Large bags and backpacks are not, and parcel check is closed.


Visitors should buy tickets online to prevent congestion in line at the onsite ticket booth. Admission to the permanent collection is always free. During this first phase of reopening, the Buffet and Café will be temporarily closed. Bottled water will be available for purchase. The drinking fountains will be off limits.


Handicapped parking is available in the garage of the Renzo Piano Building with elevator access to the special exhibit. The special-assistance vehicle between the Kimbell’s two buildings is unavailable.


Until further notice, all onsite programs and events are canceled.


The museum will continue to update Kimbell from Home, an online initiative that explores the collection, architecture, kids and family activities, teen resources, and more.


Admission to the museum’s permanent collection is always free. Tickets to the special exhibit range from free (for children younger than 6) to $18. Admission is half-price all day Tuesdays and after 5pm Fridays.


The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (3200 Darnell St, 817-738-9215) will be the last to reopen. On Wed, July 1, the doors will swing wide to the public and members. Following the guidelines established by the state, county, and CDC, the Modern has developed a set of safety protocols. Visitors should wear face masks or cloth coverings (and may use discretion for toddlers), should practice social distancing and follow instruction by museum staffers, and should take advantage of the wall-mounted touchless hand sanitizer dispensers located in all restrooms and the freestanding dispensers throughout the building.

Mark Bradford: End Papers has been extended through Jan 10, 2021, and Red Grooms’ Ruckus Rodeo will be on view through Aug 16.


Docent-led tours and all other in-person education programs have been suspended until further notice, and group numbers for self-guided tours will be limited. Lunch service will resume at Café Modern on reopening day. Magnolia at the Modern will resume later this summer, tentatively.


Ticket prices range from free for children under 18 to $16, and admission is half-price on Sundays and free on Fridays.


All of the museums agree that if you are feeling sick, stay home.