Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. Courtesy of Drive-By Truckers

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day, not unlike the title track of the 2003 Drive-By Truckers album. On that first celebration in 1868, according to, mourners honored the dead Civil War soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers.

To celebrate authentically in 2020, here are two other places you could visit to honor the dead besides cemeteries and the memorial in Grand Prairie (see: Monday’s blurb).

Fort Worth is home to the Texas Civil War Museum (760 N Jim Wright Fwy, 827-246-2323). “Our building is very spacious and clean!” the museum posted on Facebook. “We are following all guidelines very closely. Come see us!”


And the National Vietnam War Museum (12685 Hwy 80, 940-325-4003) is in Weatherford. Its outdoor exhibits are open 24/7, including their replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.