Today was the first day that Texas restaurants could open at 25% capacity, according to a recent executive order from Gov. Greg Abbott. While some, like Heim Barbecue on the Near Southside and Noodles @ Boba Tea House in North Fort Worth, are remaining closed, many others opened. Weekly owner Lee Newquist and son Wyatt Newquist dropped by a couple of open spots to see how they were faring. Most of them were slow, Lee said.
He and Wyatt also visited The Basement Bar, the Stockyards establishment that caused an uproar recently by posting that they were opening today, despite the fact that Abbott did not approve the reopening of bars in his recent executive order. Instead, the bar was closed, and Lee and Wyatt found the Stockyards populated by several men brandishing firearms, including soldier-grade weapons. The men were attempting to participate in a social media-advertised “Honkytonk Crawl for Freedom,” in which they would patronize Stockyards watering holes. No bars were open at the time the Newquists visited the area.