You don’t know what you’ll be served at Science on Tap at FWMSH.

On April Fool’s Day, the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History will hold special events all day to get people through the doors and interested in what they have. First, it’s iMake: Maker Fest, where kids can see how people invent useful gadgets and experiment with laser printers, robots, and electronics, as well as make 3D art and see holograms through their own smartphones.

At 6pm, the kids will get shooed out in favor of Science on Tap, an adult-oriented social hour. You can still see holograms with your smartphones, but you’ll also take part in trivia contests, live-chat with experts, pilot drones, meet engineers, and start learning Chinese through the museum’s Pictures & Stories program. Oh, and there will be small plates and a cash bar available to make all this social interaction go down easy.

iMake: Maker Fest is 10am-4pm Sat, while Science on Tap is 6-10pm Sat at Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, 1600 Gendy St, FW. Admission for iMake is free with the price of museum admission, tickets for Science on Tap are $15-20. Call 817-255-9300.
