This isn’t Hamilton, but Lisa Fairchild, Liz J. Millea, and Lauren Ferebee starring in Circle Theatre’s The Taming.

Wed 17 – Four Day Weekend isn’t the only comedy venue offering up free shows in midweek. Hyena’s is bringing in Laughs, a broadcast show of the best clips from stand-ups all over the country. Brought to you live so you don’t have to travel to L.A. and Las Vegas to find them, the show is at 7:30pm and 9:30pm at Hyena’s Comedy Nightclub, 425 Commerce St, FW. Admission is free, but tickets are required. Call 817-877-5233.


Thur 18 – You may be curious to find out that among Toho Studios’ early Japanese monster movies, Mothra was particularly popular among female audiences as a female creature who largely protects her island, Japan, and the environment. That, however, will not stop the Mystery Science Theater guys from making fun of her and her miniature fairies at 7pm tonight and 7:30pm Tue at various movie theaters. Check Calendar for locations. Tickets are $10.50-12.50. Call 818-761-6100.

The Blast (300x250)


Fri 19 – What do you get when you lock a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, a fire-breathing conservative, and a beauty queen in a hotel room? You get The Taming, Lauren Gunderson’s 2013 comedy that makes brutal fun of our country’s polarized political discourse and has enough Founding Fathers references to satisfy the Hamilton fans. Circle Theatre premieres this satire Thu thru Sep 17 at 230 W 4th St, FW. Tickets are $15-38. Call 817-877-3040.


Sat 20 – Besides the mind-blowing prospect of a pre-Twilight Robert Pattinson portraying Salvador Dalí, Little Ashes also has the story of how artists like Federico García Lorca and Luis Buñuel created a thriving cultural environment in Spain before Francisco Franco’s regime crushed it and everything else. Artes de la Rosa screens this film at 7:30pm at Rose Marine Theater, 1440 N Main St, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-624-8333.


Sun 21 – In a few weeks (we can hope) the weather will turn cool enough for it to actually be pleasant to be outside, so now’s a time to prepare yourself by stopping in at the Texas Home & Garden Show. Demonstrating products and services for you to use when you want to get those fall home projects done, the 26th annual event runs Sat thru today at Fort Worth Convention Center, 1111 Houston St, FW. Admission is $8-10. Call 713-874-2231.


Mon 22 – JT Harding is a Nashville tunesmith whose songs have been performed by the likes of Blake Shelton, Keith Urban, and Kenny Chesney. Now he’s branching out into theater, providing songs for Music City, USA, a planned musical about two young musicians trying to make it in the big city. Amphibian Stage Productions will hold a staged reading (and singing) of this work Sun thru today at 120 S Main St, FW. Tickets are $20. Call 817-923-3012.


Tues 23 – You’ve probably seen Jeffrey Toobin on CNN, offering up his legal analysis on matters of the day, or perhaps you’ve read his columns in The New Yorker. Today he comes to Fort Worth to tout his latest book, American Heiress: The Kidnapping, Crimes, and Trial of Patty Hearst, an account of the socialite-turned-terrorist who dominated news headlines in the 1970s. He takes the stage at 11:30am at the Fort Worth Club, 306 W 7th St, FW. Registration is $40-55. Call 214-965-8413.